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Click on the Country artist of your choice to Buy New, Rare, Collectible, Used and Hard to Find CDs, CD Albums, Vinyl Albums, Vinyl records, Rare CD Sigles, Picture Discs, Rare Vinyl, 12" singles, 10" singles, 7" singles, Limited Editions, Promos, Promotional items, Imports and Music Memorabilia from the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s along with Full Discography's
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'Bois-Sec' Ardoin, Alphonse

[Taiwan], PAN

17 Hippies


97'S, Old

A Blaze Of Feather

A Thousand Horses

Abernathy, Mack

Abraham And Moses

Abshire, Nathan



Aces, The

Acuff, Roy

Adams, Don

Adams, Suzie

Addiss, Stephen

Adkins, Trace

Adkins, Wendel


Akins, Rhett

Al Et Al


Alabama State Troupers

Alice Band, The

Allan, Johnnie

Allan, Laura

Allen Wayne Damron

Allen, Harley

Allen, Rex

Allen, Terry

Allison De Groot

Allsup, Tommy

Alps [Space Rock], The

Alvin Crow And The Pleasant Valley Boys

Amazing Mr Smith, The

Americans, North

Ames, Ed

Amidon, Samuel

Amigo The Devil

Andersen, Eric

Anderson, Al

Anderson, Bill

Anderson, Bill & Howard, Jan

Anderson, Gurney

Anderson, Liz

Anderson, Lynn

Andrews, William

Andy Anderson & Dawnbreakers



Ar Leitheidi


Armand, Renee

Armpit Jug Band, The

Arnold, Bob

Arnold, Eddy

Arthur, Charline

Ashcroft, Johnny

Ashley, Leon

Ashworth, Ernest

Ashworth, Ernie

Asquith, Mary

Aufray, Hughes

Auldridge, Mike

Austin & Woodlieff

Austin, Sherrie

Autry, Gene

Aweke, Aster

Azar, Steve

Aztec Two-Step

Backwards Sam Firk

Bailey Brothers, The

Baker, Carroll


Ball, Sterling

Bandy, Moe

Bara Menyn

Bare Necessities

Bare, Bobby

Barely Works, The

Barenberg, Russ

Barker, Emily

Barker, Ronnie

Barlow, Jack

Barnes, George

Barr Brothers, The

Barraclough, Elizabeth

Barrie, J.J.

Barry, John (Country)


Bashful Brother Oswald

Baxter, Rayland



Bee, Molly

Begley, Philomena

Belew, Carl

Bell, Alan

Bell, Crawford

Bell, Delia & Grant, Bill

Bellamy Brothers, The

Belle, Amy

Bembeya Jazz National

Benítez & Valencia

Bennington, Billy

Berg, Matraca

Bergen, Polly

Berline, Byron

Berry, John

Berry, Wayne

Beth, Karen

Betmead, Jon

Bias, Joe

Big & Rich

Big Ed And His Rockin' Rattles

Bill Black's Combo

Billy Edd Wheeler

Bilston, Don

Bingham, Ryan

Bishop, Elvin

Black Ace

Black Atlantic, The

Black Belt Eagle Scout

Black Tie


Blackwood Brothers, The

Blaine, Bob

Blakley, Ronee

Blanchard Jack & Morgan Misty

Blind Pilot

Block, Allan

Block, Ron

Bloom, Ken


Blue Rodeo

Blue Rose Code

Blue Velvet Band, The

Boat To Row

Boatmen, The

Bob And Ron Copper

Bobby G Rice

Boggs, Dock

Bogguss, Suzy

Bond, Eddie

Bond, Johnny

Boone, Debby

Boone, Larry

Boones Farm

Boones, The

Borderline Country Band, The

Boudleaux Bryant And The Sparks

Bowe, John

Bowles Brothers

Bowman, Don

Boxcar Willie

Boyband The Musical

Bradshaw, Terry

Brady, Phil

Branan, Cory

Brand, Oscar

Breeze & Wilson

Brennan, Lee

Bretecher, Gene

Brett, Adrian

Brewer, Teresa

Brian, Bill

Brierley, Marc

Briggs, Hattie

Brigid Mae Power

Britton, Vicki

Brockett, Jaime

Brody, Lane

Broken Family Band, The

Brooks & Dunn

Brooks, Garth

Bros, Maddox

Bros., Sirocco

Brother Theotis Taylor

Brown (Country) Les

Brown, Friday

Brown, Hylo

Brown, Jim Ed

Brown, Junior

Brown, Marti

Brown, T. Graham

Browne, Severin

Brownsville Banned

Bruntnell, Peter

Bryan, Dave

Bryant, Felice & Boudleaux

Bryant, Jimmy


Buchanan, Roy

Buffalo, Norton

Bully Wee

Burgess, John

Burke, Joe

Burnett, Abner

Burr, Gary

Burrito Deluxe

Bush, Johnny

Butcher, Eddie

Butler, Carl & Pearl

Büyükburç, Erol

Byrd, Jerry

Byrd, Tracy

Byrne, Packie

Byrnes, Martin

Cactus County

Caezars, The

Cagle, Buddy

Cair Paravel

Cajun Blues

Cajun, R.

Caldwell, Charles

Calhoun, Slim

Cambridge Buskers, The

Cambridge Crofters, The

Cameron Men, The

Camp, Chuck

Campbell, Glen

Campbell, Ken

Campbell, Larry

Cannon, Ace

Canny Fettle

Cantrell, Laura

Capitol Records

Cardinals (Folk), The

Cargill, Henson

Carignan, Jean

Carlisles, The

Carll, Hayes

Carllile, Thumbs

Carlson, Shanna

Carlton Showband

Carmack, Chris

Carol Of Harvest

Carolan, Mary Ann

Carolina Chocolate Drops

Carousels, The

Carpenter, Bob

Carpenter, Mary Chapin


Carroll, Liz

Cars & Trains

Carson, Joe

Carson, Martha

Carter Cash, June

Carter Family, The

Carter, Anita

Carter, Carlene

Carter, Wilf

Carthy, Eliza

Carver, Johnny

Casby, Freddy


Cash, Joanne

Cash, Johnny

Cash, Tommy

Cashman & West

Cashman, Pistilli & West

Castle, Mike

Casualties Of Cool

Cat, Fantastic

Cates, The

Cato, Connie

Center, City


Chambers, Kasey

Champion Doug Veitch

Channing, Carol

Chaps, The

Charles, Pearl

Charleston Trio, The

Charne, Billy

Chatfield, John

Chatham County Line

Chenier, C.J.

Chesapeake Minstrels, The

Chesney, Kenny

Chesnut, Jim


Chicago, Roy

Chickasaw Mudd Puppies

Childers, Tyler

Childre, Lew

Chris Shiflett & The Dead Peas

Christenson, Terry

Christopher, Lyn

Church, Eric

Cigliano, Fausto

Cinnamond, Robert


Clancy, Willie

Claremont Country Dance Band,

Clark, Charlie

Clark, Guy

Clark, Roy

Clark, Terri

Clash, Johnny

Clement, Jack

Clements, Vassar

Clifford John And Julia

Clifford, Billy

Clifton, Bill

Cline, Patsy

Cline, Tammy

Clower, Jerry



Cobblers Last


Cochran, Hank


Coe, David Allan

Colder, Ben

Coleman, Jim

Coleman, Michael

Colin Reece & Friends

Collective, Rend

Collins, Johnny

Collins, Larry

Collins, Tommy


Colter, Jessi

Colton, Graham

Combs, Luke

Common Round, The

Commoners, The

Confederates Jazzband, The

Conlee, John

Cook, Elizabeth

Cook, John & Margie

Cooney, Michael

Cooper, Don

Cooper, Jimmy

Cooper, Wilma Lee

Copas, Cowboy

Copper, Bob

Corbin Hanner Band, The

Corbitt, Jerry


Costello, Cecilia

Coughlan, Mary

Country Cousins

Country Deputies

Country Fiddle Band

Country Gazette

Country Lee Green

County, Harlan

Court Yard Hounds

Cousin Emmy And Her Kinfolk

Covington, Bucky


Cox, Harry

Cramer, Floyd

Crane, Brian

Crickets, The

Crofters, The


Cronshaw, Andrew

Crosby & Clooney

Cross, Jimmy

Crowell, Rodney

Crowley, Jimmy

Crum, Simon

Crusaders, Minyo

Cumberland Clan, The


Cunningham, Larry

Curless, Dick

Curse Of Lono

Curtis, Sonny

Cut, Clear

Cyrus, Billy Ray

Dadd, Rachael

Dairo, I.K.

Dallas Boys, The

Dallas, Maria

Dalton, Lacy J

Damron, Dick

Dana, Vic

Daniels, Charlie

Darby & Tarlton

Darling, Erik

Davidson, Dianne

Davidson, Frankie

Davies, Gail

Davis Sisters, The

Davis, Danny

Davis, Jimmie

Davis, Link

Davis, Mac

Davis, Paul

Davis, Skeeter


Dawn, Dolly

Deaf Heights Cajun Aces

Dean, Billy

Dean, Eddie

Dean, Jimmy

Dean, Jimmy & West, Dottie

Dean, Rusty

Dee, Bailey

Dee, Jeannie

Dekker, Tony

Delbert & Glen

DeMent, Iris

Denver, John

DePlume, Alabaster

Derek, Jon

DeRose, Dena

Derya Yildirim & Grup Simsek

Desert Rose Band

Devon And Cornwall Const.

Dexter, Ray

Dickens, Jimmy

Dickie James F.

Dillards, The

Dillon, Dean

Dinner, Michael

Dinning Sisters, The

Dirty Dozen Brass Band, The

Disney, Walt

Dixie Chicks

Dixon Brothers, The


Dobson, Richard

Doc & Merle Watson

Doel Brothers, The

Doherty, Johnny

Dolat-Shahi, Dariush

Dollar, Johnny

Dolly Varden

Domagalski, Victoria

Doran, Felix

Doucet, Michael

Doueh, Group

Douglas, K.C.

Dove, Ronnie

Dow, Nick

Down County Boys

Down Home Praise

Dr. Ragtime

Drifting Cowboys, The

Driftwood, Jimmy

Droney, Chris

Drusky, Roy

Dubliners, The

Duckworth, Sam

Dudley, Dave

Dudley, Dave & Hall, Tom T.

Duke, Denver & Null, Jeffery

Duke, Diana


Dunbar, Valerie

Duncan, Johnny

Duncan, Johnny (Country)

Dunlap, Slim

Dunn, George

Dunn, Holly

Durham, Bobby

Dusky, San

Dusty, Slim

Dwyer, Finbarr

Earl Thomas Conley

Earle, Stacey

Earwood, Mundo


Eckman, Chris

Edwards, Jonathan

Edwards, Stoney

Eerie, Mount

Eikhard, Shirley

Electric Bluebirds


Elledge, Jimmy

Elliott (Folk) Mike

Elliott, Ramblin' Jack

Ellis Island Sound

Ely, Joe

Emmons, Buddy

Encino, John


Evans, Buck

Evans, Sara

Everett, Chad

Everette, Leon

Everly Brothers, The

Everly, Phil

Ewell Castle School Music Group

Eynon, Howard

Fabric, Bent

Fairchild, Barbara

Famous Potatoes, The

Fargo, Donna


Felice Brothers, The

Felts, Narvel

Fender, Freddy

Fergie Macdonald And His Scott

Fetchin Bones

Fever, Fiddle

Fife Yokels, The

Finley, Robert

Fisher, Ray

Fitzsimmons, William

Five-O, Hackney

Flanagan Brothers, The

Flatlanders, The

Flatt & Scruggs

Flatt, Lester


Flores, Rosie

Flower, Robin

Flying Norwegians


Foley, Red

Folk, Faraway

Folklore Tapes

Fontenot, Allen

Fontenot, Conray

Food Pyramid

Ford, Clinton

Ford, Tennessee Ernie

Forester Sisters, The

Foster, Josephine

Foster, Rex


Frank Jennings Syndicate

Frank, Harmonica

Frazier, Dallas


Free Beer

Free Fall Band, The

Fricke, Janie

Frickie, Janie


Fritts, Donnie

Frizzell, David

Frizzell, Lefty

Fry, Mark

Fulks, Robbie

Fuller, Jerry

Furey, Finbar

Furey, Ted

Fureys, The & Arthur, Davey

Galwad Y Mynydd

Gamble, Paddy

Garside, Robin

Garzia, Georges

Gateley, Jimmy

Gatlin, Larry

Gavin, Frankie

Gayle, Crystal

Gellert, Ranya

General Humbert

Gentry, Bobbie

Gentry, Bobbie & Campbell Glen

George Hanna & Sarah Anne O'Ne

George, Franklin

Gerdes, George

Ghent, Tom

Gibson, Don

Gid Tanner & His Skillet Licke

Gilbert, Brantley

Gill, Vince

Gillespie, Hugh


Glass, Sea

Glazer, Tom

Glenside Ceili Band, The

Gloth, Michael H

Golbey, Brian

Golden Bough

Gonnella, Ronald

Good Samaritans, The

Goodacre, Tony

Goodman, Tim

Goose Creek Symphony

Gordon, Carole & Newman, Bob

Gordon, Curtis

Gordon, Jimmie

Gosdin, Vern

Gourds, The

Grabham, Mick

Graham, Len

Grammer, Billy

Grant & Forsyth

Grant, Angus

Grass Roots, The


Gray, Claude

Gray, J.T.

Green Willow Band, The

Green, Lloyd

Greenberg, Phil

Greene, Jackie

Greene, Lorne

Greenhill, Mitch

Greenwood County Singers, The

Greenwood, Lee

Gregory Alan Isakov

Grey, Tony

Griffin, Pattty

Griffin, Patty

Griffin, Vincent

Griffith, Nanci

Griffiths, Hayley

Guest, Roy

Guilbeau, Gib

Guinchard, Rufus

Guitar Techniques

Guitar, Bonnie

Gunn Family, The

Gunter, Hardrock

Guthrie, Arlo

Guthrie, Woody

Guzzle & Root Band, The


Hacker, Angela

Haden Triplets, The

Hadley, Bob

Haggard, Merle

Hall, Hillman

Hall, Kenny

Hall, Tom T.

Hambrick, John


Hamilton IV, George

Hampton, Paul

Hancock, Butch

Hank III


Hardie, Bill

Hardin, Case

Harding, Aldous

Hargrove, Linda

Harmony Sisters, The

Harms, Dallas

Harper, Redd

Harris, Emmylou

Harris, Phil

Harrison, Danny

Hart, Freddie

Harte, Frank

Hartman, Lisa

Harvesters, The

Harvey, Alex

Hawkins, Hawkshaw

Hawkins, Ronnie

Hayes, Hunter

Haynes, Reg

Hayseed Dixie

Hazzard, Tony

Head And The Heart, The

Heaney, Joe



Helms, Bobby

Henderson, Kelvin

Henn, Peter

Hennessy, Christie

Henry, Joe

Herman & Angie

Herndon, Ty

Hertner, Rob

Hess, Bennie

Het Brabants Volksorkest

Higgins, Gary

Higgins, Lizzie

High On The Hog

Highfill, George

Highway 101

Highwaymen, The (Country)

Hill, Faith

Hill, Vince

Hillmen, The


Hillsiders, The

Hirsch, Lonnie

Hiss Golden Messenger

Hitchcock, Stan

Hobbs, Becky

Hofner, Adolph

Holliday, Michael

Hollow Rock String Band

Hollowell, Terri

Holly, Buddy

Holly, Doyle

Holme Valley Tradition, The

Homie On The Range

Horton, Johnny

Hot Vultures

Houghten, Richard

Houl Yer Whisht Folk Group

Houston, David


Howard, Harlan

Howard, Jan

Howell, Reuben


Hugh X. Lewis

Humphrey, Ange

Hunt & Turner

Hunt, D.A.

Hunter, Ivory Joe

Hunter, Tab

Hurley, Michael

Hurray For The Riff Raff

Husky, Ferlin

Ian & Sylvia

Ibañez, Paco

Iijima, Chris

Illinois Speed Press, The

Imagined Village, The

Inerane, Group

Invisible Hands, The

Irish National Orchestra & Cho

Iron, Cat

Isbell, Jason


Ives, Burl

Iwegbue, Charles

Izumiya, Shigeru


J.E. Mainer's Mountaineers

Jack And Charlie Coen

Jacks, Susan

Jacks, Terry

Jackson, Alan

Jackson, Billy

Jackson, Carl

Jackson, Jimmy

Jackson, John

Jackson, Kara

Jackson, Stonewall

Jackson, Wanda

Jade (Folk)


James, Sonny

Járóka Sándor And His Gipsy Ba

Jason & The Scorchers

Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit

Jaw Harp John

Jay Lee Webb

Jean Claude Vannier

Jean, Norma

Jean, Pamela

Jenkins & Sherrill

Jenkins, Bobo

Jennings Waylon

Jennings, Shooter

Jennings, W. & Nelson, W.

Jenzen, Ralf

Jessica Lea Mayfield

Jewell, Eilen

Jim & Jesse

Jim Eanes And The Shenandoah Valley Boys

Jim Johnstone And His Band

Jimmie Dale Gilmore


Joe Maphis & Rose Lee

Joel R.L. Phelps

John & Phil Cunningham

John Michael Talbot

John Timpany And Audrey Smith

Johnnie & Jack

Johnnie Lee Wills

Johns, Sammy

Johnson Mountain Boys, The

Johnson, Bubber

Johnson, Curt

Johnson, Jamey

Johnson, Kevin

Johnson, Michael

Johnson, Robert (30s)

Johnson, Vera

Jolly Tinkermen, The

Jones, George

Jones, Grandpa

Jones, Nigel Mazlyn

Jordanaires, The

José Carlos Schwarz

Josienne Clarke And Ben Walker

Judd, Wynonna

Judds, The

Julia & Billy Clifford

Julian, Richard

Justin Townes Earle

K. Sara

Kahan, Noah

Kama, Zero

Kane, Kieran


Kaset, Angela

Kash, Murray

Keegan, Josephine

Keith, Barbara

Keith, Toby

Kelly And Gail

Kelly, Casey

Kelly, James

Kelly, John

Kelly, Stan

Kemp, Wayne

Kendall, Jeannie

Kendalls, The

Kennedy Rose

Kennedy, Jerry

Kennedy, Malcolm

Kenny Serratt & The Messengers

Kent, George

Kentucky Headhunters, The

Kentucky Travelers, The

Kernaghan, Lee

Kershaw, Doug

Kershaw, Rusty

Kershaw, Rusty & Doug

Kershaw, Sammy

Kessinger, Clark

Ketchum, Hal

Kicking Mule

Kid, Little

Kilgore, Merle

Kimmel John J.

King, Charlie

King, Charlie & Leader, Martha

King, Claude

King, Elle

King, James

King, Wendy

Kinleys, The

Kitty, Daisy & Lewis

Kleiger, Frank

Knoblock, Fred

Kodila, Diana


Kolektif, Komodo

Kraus, Sharron

Krauss, Alison

Kristofferson & Coolidge

Kristofferson, Kris

La Costa

Lady Antebellum

Lambert, Miranda

Lance, Lynda K.

Lanchester, Elsa

Landsborough, Charlie

Lane, Cristy

Lane, Nikki

Lang, K.D.


Larner, Sam

Larsen, Stu

Larson, Nicolette

Lash Lariat And The Long Rider

Last Mile Ramblers, The

Lauri Say And The Island Folk

Lawrence, Tracy

Lawton, Jimmy

Leach, Curtis

LeBlanc, Dylan

LeDoux, Chris

Lee Roy Parnell

Lee, Dickey

Lee, Johnny

Lee, Su-a

Lee, Wilma & Cooper, Stoney

LeGarde Twins, The

Legendary Stardust Cowboy, The

Leroy & Linda

Leroy, James

Les Djinns Singers

Lewis Family, The

Lewis, Aaron

Lewis, Bobby (Country)

Lewis, Jerry Lee

Lewis, Linda Gail

Lewis, Muintir

Lieberman, Lori

Lilly Brothers, The

Lily & Madeleine

Limehouse Pink

Linde, Dennis

Lindsey, LaWanda

Ling Family, The

Lister, Hovie

Little Willies, The

Living Sound

Lloyd, Bert

Lloyd, George

Locklin, Hank

Logan, Bud

Loggins, Dave

Lomond Cornkisters, The

Lonesome Pine Fiddlers, The


Long Lost, The

Long, Lionel

Lonzo & Oscar

Loose Caboose, The

Lord, Bobby

Lords Of Thyme, The

Lore And The Legends

Los Lonely Boys

Louise, Sarah

Louvin Brothers, The

Louvin, Charlie

Love, Tandy

Loveless, Lydia

Loveless, Patty

Lovett, Lyle

Lucas, Austin

Lucas, Ted


Luman, Bob

Lund, Art

Lund, Corb

Lunn, Robert

Lunsford, Mike

Lyle McGuinness Band


Lynn, Loretta

Lynne, Shelby


Lyons, John

Mabel Joy

Mabon, Willie


Mac Gayden

MacDougall, Sarah

Mack, Warner

MacKay, Bruce

Maclean And Maclean

MacNeil, Rita

Macon, Uncle Dave

MacPherson, Donald

Macve, Holly

Maddox, Rose

Maid, Delta

Maines Brothers, The

Makem, Sarah

Makin, John

Malachy Doris Ceili Band

Malamini Jobarteh & Dembo Kont


Malo, Raul

Maloney, David

Mamou Cajun Band, The

Man, Mountain

Mandrell, Barbara

Manifold, Keith

Mann, Charles (Country)

Mann, Lorene

Manning, John

Manning, Linda

Maphis, Joe

Marcians, The

Mari Boine Persen

Marks, Cory

Mars, Vic

Marshall, Tony Joe

Marten, Billie

Martin, Benny

Martin, Bobbi

Martin, Dean

Martin, Janis

Martin, Jimmy

Martindale, Wink

Martino, Al

Marvin, Lee

Mary Lee Kortes

Mary Miller & Saratoga Freeway

Masters Family, The

Mata, Billy

Mataja, Branko

Mathis, Country Johnny

Mathis, Johnny

Mattea, Kathy

Matthew & Peter

Matthew & The Mandarins

Matys Bros., The

Mavericks, The

Max D Barnes

Mayhan, Judy

McAlpine, William

McAuliff, Leon

McBain's Scottish Country Danc

McBride, Frankie

McBride, Martina

McCall C.W.

McCall, Darrell

McCann, Susan

McCarters, The

McClellan, Mike

McCorison, Dan

McCoury, Del

McCoy, Charlie

McCready, Mindy

McCusker, John

McDaniel, Mel

McDermott, Josie

McDowell, Ronnie

McEntire, Reba

McGarrigle, Kate & Anna

McGlinchey, Brendan

McGowan, Annie

McGowan, Sean

McGraw, Tim

McGuire, Sean

McIntire, Lani

McKennitt, Loreena

McKirdy, Hazel

McLain, Tommy

McLauchlan, Murray

McNeely-Levin-Skinner Band The

McNeill, Sylvia

McNulty, Pat

McVicker, Dana

Mead, Chuck

Meirelles, Helena

Menard, D.L.

Merriman, Annette Wyn

Messina, Jo Dee

Mey, Frederik

Mian, Aziz

Micus, Stephan



Miki & Griff

Miles, Dick

Miller, Buddy

Miller, Dale

Miller, Frankie (Country)

Miller, Jody

Miller, John

Miller, Ned

Mills, Betty Lou

Mills, Hank

Milsap, Ronnie

Milton Brown & His Musical Brownies

Mink, Ben

Miracle Fortress

Misner & Smith

Mitchell, Graeme

Mitchell, Kevin

Mitchell, Marty

Moat Brothers Country Band

Modern Folk Quartet, The

Moe & Joe

Moe Bandy & Joe Stampley

Molineux, John

Molsky, Bruce

Monroe Brothers

Monroe, Ashley

Monroe, Bill

Montana Slim

Montana, Lee

Montgomery, Melba


Mooney, Art

Moore, Barry

Moore, Bob

Moore, Charlie & Napier, Bill

Moore, Lattie

Moore, Michael

Moorer, Allison

Morgan, Andrew

Morgan, George

Morgan, Neal

Morris, Gary

Morris, Maren

Morrison, Bob

Morse, Ella Mae

Mosby, Johnny & Jonie

Mosely, Mark

Mother Earth (60S)

Mother Hen


Mottau, Eddie

Moulton Morris Men, The

Mountain Line

Moyo, Jonah

Mseleku, Bheki

Mukabi, George

Mulgrew, John

Mullican, Moon

Mullins, Dee

Murphey, Michael

Murray, Anne

Musgraves, Kacey

Mutual Benefit

Myers, Whiskey

Nancy Elizabeth Cunliffe

Napper, Tom

Nash Gripka, Israel

Nash, Israel

Nash, Terry

Nashville Bluegrass Band, The

Nashville Cats, The

Nashville Harmonica, The

Neale, Lael


Neely, Sam

Nelson, Ricky

Nelson, Tracy

Nelson, Willie

Neophonic String Band, The

New Basement Tapes, The

New Christy Minstrels, The

Newbury, Mickey

Newman, Bob (UK)

Newman, Bob (US)

Newman, Chris

Newman, Jimmy C.

Newton, Wood

Nichols, Joe

Nichols, Keith

Nicol, Simon

Nighthawks, The

Nina, Rita & Ruby


Nishioka, Howard

Noack, Eddie

Nomads (Folk), The

Norman, Patrick

Nothing By Chance


Nutter, Mayf

O'Brien, Tim

O'Donnell, Daniel

O'Donnell, Eugene

O'Gwynn, James

O'Halloran Brothers, The

O'Kanes, The

O'Leary, Johnny

O'Sullivan, Bernard


Oak Ridge Boys, The

Oats, Wild

Obassey, Patty

Obel, Agnes


Obey, Ebenezer

Ojo, Dele

Old Crow Medicine Show

Olney, David

Olsen, Angel

Orange Blossom Sound

Orange, Mandolin

Oren, Peter

Oroonies, The

Orrall, Robert Ellis

Ortega, Lindi

Osborne Brothers, The

Oscar & Eugene Wright

Otis Williams And The Midnight Cowboys

Outlaw, Sam

Outlaws, The (Country)

Overstreet, Tommy

Owens, Buck & Raye, Susan

Owston, Chuck

Oxford, Vernon

Pacheco, Tom

Paisley, Brad

Paisley, Doug

Pam's Country People

Panic Brothers, The


Pare, Jessica

Parker, Billy

Parker, Dyon

Parson Red Heads, The

Parton, Dolly

Parton, Stella

Pattullo, Gordon

Paul & Glen

Pauline Hinchcliffe & Claire Ross

Paycheck, Johnny

Payne, Jimmy

Peacock, Alice

Pearce, Monty

Peck, Orville

Pedersen, Herb

Peel, Hannah

Peggy Sue (60S)

Penfield, Paul

Peoples, Tommy

Pepper, Jefferson

Perth County Conspiracy

Peterson, Colleen

Phantom Limb

Phillips, Bill

Phillips, Esther

Phillips, Stu

Phillips, Utah


Pickler, Kellie

Pierce, Webb

Pillow, Ray

Pinto Bennett & The Famous Motel Cowboys

Pioneers, The (Country)


Plane, Dave

Plant, Robert & Krauss, Alison

Plow, Mr




Polwart, Karine

Poole, Carolynne

Poplin Family, The

Poppy Family, The

Porridge, Mum's



Power, Jimmy

Pozo Seco Singers, The


Price, Kenny

Price, Margo

Price, Ray

Pride Of Erin Ceili Band

Pride, Charley


Proffitt, Frank

Prophet, Ronnie

Pruett, Jeanne

Pug, Joe

Pullens, Vern

Pullins, Leroy

Pure Prairie League

Puss N Boots

Putman, Curly

Quattlebaum, Doug

Quinn (Celtic) John

Quinn, Brendan

Quinn, John

Rabbitt, Eddie

Rachell, Yank

Rafferty, Jim

Rails, The

Rainwater, Marvin

Ramirez, David

Ramsey, Willis Alan

Randolph, Boots

Rankin Family, The

Rascal Flatts

Rattlesnake Annie

Raven, Eddy

Ray Lynam & Philomena Begley

Ray Lynam & The Hillbillies

Ray Wylie Hubbard

Raybon Brothers

Raye, Collin

Rayes, Susan

Rea, John

Red Clay Ramblers, The

Red Shift

Redbeards, The

Redpath, Jean

Reece, Colin

Reed, Dean

Reed, Jerry

Reeves, Del

Reeves, Jim

Reffold, Stuart

Reflection (Folk)

Reilly, John

Reno & Smiley

Rex Allen Jr.

Rex, Offa

Reynolds, Neely

Rhodes, Kimmie

Rhodes, Red

Rich, Charlie

Richards, Digby

Richards, Earl

Richey, Kim

Riders Of The Purple Sage

Riley, Jeannie C.

Rimes, Leann

Rio Grande Band

Riopelle, Jerry

Ripley Wayfarers, The

Rising, The

Ritter, Tex

Rob Gordon And His Band

Robbins, Hargus "Pig"

Robbins, Marty

Robert Earl Keen

Roberts, Alasdair

Roberts, Austin

Robinson, Andy

Robinson, Carson

Robinson, Floyd

Rockin' Bonnie Western Bound Combo

Rodgers, Jimmie (Country)

Rodgers, Jimmie (Rock & Roll)

Rodgers, John

Rodriguez, Johnny

Rogers Jr, Kenny

Rogers, David

Rogers, Kenny & First Edition

Rogers, Kimm

Rogers, Roy (Country)

Rooke, Fred

Rosanne Cash

Rose, Caitlin

Rose, Tim

Rosenbaum, Art

Ross, Danny

Rossell, Marina

Rowans, The

Rowe, Nick

Rowsome, Leo

Roy Book Binder

Royal, Billy Joe

Rucker, Darius

Run C & W


Russell Family, The

Russell, Johnny

Russell, Micho

Rustin Man

Ryan, Jamey

Ryders, The





Sanders, Mack

Sands Family, The

Santaolalla, Gustavo

Sawyer Brown

Sayer, Cynthia

Sayers, Pete

Scarbrough, Gene

Schafer, Whitey

Schoepp, Trapper

Scott, Tom James

Scott, Willie

Scrivenor, Gove

Scruggs, Earl

Séamus & Manus McGuire

Seeger, Mike

Seely, Jeannie

Sellars, Marilyn

Semkina, Marjana

Seratt, Kenny

Shafer, Whitey

Shag Connors & The Carrot Crun

Shake, Billy

Sharp, Randy


Shearston, Gary

Shelley, Joan

Shepard, Jean

Sheppard, T. G.

Sherley, Glen

Sherriff, She

Shires, The

Shook, Sarah

Shooting Stars, The

Silveira, Ricardo

Silver Eagle Express

Silverstein, Shel

Simmons, Patrick

Simpson, Red

Simpson, Sturgill

Singletary, Daryle


Sital-Singh, Luke

Skara Brae


Sketches For Albinos

Skillets, The

Skinner, Jimmie


Sledd, Patsy

Smith & Son

Smith, Arthur (Guitar Boogie)

Smith, Cal

Smith, Carl

Smith, Connie

Smith, Connie & Stuckey, Nat

Smith, Darden

Smith, Harry

Smith, Hobart

Smith, Jerry

Smith, Margo

Smith, Mindy

Smith, Russell

Smith, Sammi


Snider, Todd

Snow, Hank

Societe Absolument Guinin

Sonnier, Jo-El

Sons Of The Pioneers

Sons Of The Purple Sage

Souled American

Sounds Country Band, The

Southern Mountain Boys, The

Southern Tenant Folk Union


Southerners (Folk), The

Sovine, Red

Spacek, Sissy


Spears, Billie Jo

Spinning Wheel

Spiral Sky

Spivak, Dubby




Square, Paradise

St. John, Rob

Stampley, Joe

Stanley Brothers, The

Stanley, Pete

Stanley, Ralph

Stapleton, Chris

Star Of Munster Trio, The

Starling, John

Starliters, The

Starr, Lucille

Starr, Ruby

Statler Brothers, The

Statlers, The

Steagall, Red

Stecher, Jody

Steffin Sisters, The

Steneker, Ben

Step Stately

Stevens, Even

Stevens, Stu

Stevenson, B.W.

Stewart, Belle

Stewart, Davie

Stewart, Gary

Stewart, John

Stewart, Redd

Stewart, Wynn

Stick In The Wheel

Stillman, Robert


Stinson Brothers, The

Stoneman, Scotty

Stonemans, The

Story, Carl

Strait, George

Strangers, Rank

Strathspey And Reel Society, T


Stray Birds, The

Street Noise

Street, Mel


Strunk, Jud

Stuart, Mary

Stuckey, Nat

Sue, Peggy


Suite Steel

Sun, Joe


Sutherland, Isabel

Sutherland, Kiefer

Sutherland, Willie



Swan, Billy

Sweethearts Of The Rodeo

Swift, Taylor

Swims, Teddy

Sylvia (US)

T. Texas Tyler


Takht, Sevdah

Talbot Brothers, The

Talbot, Terry

Talismen 3, The

Tall, Tom

Talley, James

Tanned Leather

Tansey's Fancy

Tarriers, The

Tasjan Aaron Lee & Hiatt Lilly


Taylor, Chip

Tennessee Hotshots, The

Tennessee Stud, The

Terry Teahan And Gene Kelly

Tex Williams And The Sundowner

The Po' Boys


Thibodeaux, Rufus

Thile, Chris

This Is The Kit

Thomas, Gene

Thomas, Guthrie

Thomas, Henry

Thompson, Chris (Folk)

Thompson, Hank

Thompson, Sue

Thoughts And Words

Thrasher Brothers, The

Three Bums, The

Three, Page


Thwaites, Roger

Tillis, Mel

Tillis, Pam

Tillison, Roger

Tillotson, Johnny


Tinkers, The

Tom & Smiley

Tom, Big

Tommy Healy And Johnny Duffy

Tompall & The Glaser Brothers

Tony Nelson's Cool Country

Torok, Mitchell

Trace, Natchez

Trask, Diana

Traum, Happy

Traum, Happy And Artie

Travellers, The

Travelling Songster, The

Travis, Merle

Travis, Randy

Tree, Carrie

Tree, Oliver

Tricca, Emma

Tritt, Travis

Trout, The

Truss And Bucket Band

Tubb, Ernest

Tubb, Ernest & Lynn, Loretta

Tubb, Justin

Tubbs, Ernest

Tucker, Tanya

Tunney, Paddy

Twain, Shania

Twelve Buccaneers, The

Twitty, Conway

Twitty, Conway & Lynn, Loretta

Tyneham House

Tyson, Ian

Uncle Jim's Music

Uncle Tupelo

Ungar, Jay

Urban, Keith

Us And Them

Ustad Ahmed Jan Thirakwa

Uwaifo, Victor

Valentino, Bobby


Van Dyke, Conny

Van Dyke, Leroy

Van Dyke, Vonda

Van Shelton, Ricky

Van Zandt, Townes

Various - Comedy

Various - Country

Various - Soul & Funk

Vasant Rai

Verbs, The


Vincent, Rhonda

Wachs, Allan


Wagoner Porter & Parton Dolly

Wagoner, Porter

Wait, Ashdon

Wakely, Jimmy

Waldon, Kelsey

Walk The West

Walker, Billy

Walker, Charlie

Walker, Jerry Jeff

Walker, Ryley

Wall, Colter

Wallace, George Jr.

Wallace, Jerry

Walter Bulwer & Billy Cooper

Walters, Dave

Wandering Hearts, The

Wangford, Hank

Ward Thomas

Ward, Jean

Wariner, Steve

Waring, Fred

Warner, Frank

Warratahs, The

Washburn, Abigail

Wasson, Ben

Watkins, Sara

Watson, Doc

Watson, Gene

Wayne, Nancy

Wayne, Paul

Weather Station, The

Weatherly, Jim

Weavers, The

Weazel, Sputnik

Webb Sisters, The

Webb, Jimmy

Webb, Susan

Webster, Chase

Weissberg & Mandell

Welch, Gillian

Weller, Freddy

Wells, Houston

Wells, Kitty

West, Dottie

West, Nashville

West, Speedy

West, Speedy & Bryant, Jimmy

Westbrook, Roger

Wheeler, Onie

Whelan, Cliff

Whiskey, Nancy

Whistlebinkies, The

White Brothers, The

White Buffalo, The

White Lightnin'

White, Bergen

White, Joy Lynn

Whites, The

Whitman, Slim

Whitmore, William Elliott

Whittaker, Roger

Whitten, Danny


Wickham, Lewie

Wilburn Brothers, The

Wilbury Jam

Wild Child Butler

Wilkin, Marijohn

Willett Family, The

William Loveday Intention, The

Williams, Don

Williams, Hank

Williams, Hank Jr

Williams, Leona (Country)

Williams, Marlon

Williams, Victoria

Williamson, John

Willis Brothers, The

Willis, Kelly

Wills, Bob

Wills, Charlie

Wills, Mark

Wilson, Gretchen

Wilson, Lainey

Wilson, Larry Jon

Wilson, U.P.

Winchester, Jesse

Winslow-King, Luke

Winters Brothers Band, The

Wiseman, Mac

Wolf, Kate

Womack, Lee Ann

Wonderful Grand Band, The

Wood, Anita

Wood, Bobby

Wood, Tommy


Woods Band, The

Woodstock Mountains

Woodworth, Judy

Wooley, Sheb

Wright, Bob

Wright, Bobby

Wright, Chely

Wright, Keata

Wright, Lizz

Wright, Ruble

Wynette, Tammy

Yaghmaei, Kourosh

Yates, Billy

Yates, Bobby

Yates, Lori

Yearwood, Trisha

Yellow Moon Band, The

Yoakam, Dwight

Young, Bob

Young, Faron

Young, Shaun

Young, Steve

Zac Brown Band

Zambetas And His Bouzoukia


Zuhura & Party

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