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 Big Band & Swing

Emerging from the 'flapper' Jazz & Dixieland of the twenties, the big band was primarily for organised dances. This type of music became incredibly popular throughout the thirties & forties and band leaders & vocalists became the superstars of their day. It was from this fertile training ground that many of the legends of Jazz emerged from their side man role to become front men in their own right. The Big Bands continued right through to the late fifties before economics & changing musical fashions signalled the end of the era.

Click here for last months arrivals by Big Bands & Swing artists

Choose the Big Band & Swing artist of your choice to Buy Rare, Collectible, Used and Hard to Find Vinyl Albums, Vinyl records, Rare Singles, Picture Discs, Rare Vinyl, 12" singles, 10" singles, 7" singles, Limited Editions, Promos, Promotional items, Imports, Memorabilia, Juke-Box singles and new re-issue CD or remastered CD Albums and compilations.

Quality Big Band & Swing record collections always wanted - click here & contact our buyers

Ainsworth, Alyn

Akokán, Orquesta

Alexander, Van

Alpert, Trigger

Ambrose And His Orchestra

Anderson Band, John

Anderson, Cat

Angiolini, Renato

Arcadian Serenaders, The

Astley, Edwin

Atlantis Jazz Ensemble

Baker, Kenny

Band Of Her Majesty's Guards

Band Of The Black Watch, The

Barone - Burghardt Orchestra

Barone, Mike

Barron, Blue

Basie, Count

Basie-ites, The

Bauer, Alfons

Baxter, Les

Bell, Alan

Bellson, Louis

Benedict, Jeff

Berger, Wolf

Berlin, Irving

Berman, Sonny

Berry, Bill

Blackwell, Charles

Bonn, Issy

Bothwell, Johnny

Bradley Will & Guarnieri John

Bradshaw, Tiny

Brandt, Helmut

Brandwynne, Nat


Brown, Georgia

Bruce Gates Jazz Consortium

Bryant, Willie

Budos Band, The

Bug, Motherhead

Burke, Vinnie

Burns, Ralph

Busch, Lou

Busse, Henry

Byers, Billy

Cacia, Paul

Camarata, Tutti

Capitol Records


Carmichael, Ralph

Carney, Harry

Cavallaro, Carmen

Cesana, Otto

Cherry, Don (Singer)

Chris Bickley And The Reef Petroleum Band

Christy, June

Clark, Buddy

Cohen, Alan

Cortese, Dominic

Costa Pinto, Jorge

Cottler, Irv

Crosby & Clooney

Cugat, Xavier

Curtis, Debbie

Dale, Bob

Damone, Vic

Daniels, Billy

De De Pierce

De Pari, Henri

Dease, Michael

DeRose, Dena

Dirty Dozen Brass Band, The

Disney, Walt

Donahue, Sam

Dorsey Brothers, The

Dorsey, Jimmy

Dorsey, Tommy

Dr. Buzzard's Savannah Band

Duke's Trumpets, The

Durand, Paul

Edelhagen, Kurt

Elizalde, Fred

Ellington, Duke

Ellington, Mercer

Elliott, Lloyd

Ellis, Don

Ellis, Ray

Erwin, Pee Wee

Fallabrino, Gianni

Farnon, Dennis

Fields, Shep

Firman, Bert

Fitzgerald & Ellington

Fonteyn, Sam

Fortytwo Big Band, The

Fox, Roy

Francis, David

Francis, Frankie

Franks, Gordon

Fredonia Jazz Ensemble

Garber, Jan

Gardner, Freddie

Goodman, Al

Goodman, Benny

Goodwin, Ron

Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra

Gray, Glen

Gray, Johnnie

Gray, Steve

Greatest Swing Band

Green, Phil

Greger, Max

Grey, Al

Groves, Sir Charles

Guarnieri, Johnny

Hal McIntyre And His Orchestra

Hall, Henry

Halletz, Erwin

Hampton, Lionel

Happy End, The

Harris, Phil

Hasselgård, Stan

Hayes, Edgar

Herman, Jerry

Herman, Woody

Herrmann, Bernard

Hockridge, Edmund

Holman, Bill

Hopkins, Claude

Howard, Bob

Humber College Jazz Ensemble

Hutchinson, Leslie

Hypnotic Brass Ensemble

Ivy Benson & Her Orchestra

Jackson, Jack

James, Harry

John Wilson Orchestra

Johnson, Buddy

Jones, Isham

Jones, Leslie

Jordan, Taft

Jupp, Eric

Jurgens, Dick

Kallen, Kitty

Kauffeld, Greetje

Kaye, Kathie

Kaye, Sammy

Keene, Bob

Kemp, Hal

Kenton, Stan

King Sisters, The

Kings Of Swing Orchestra, The

Kirby, John

Kirchin, Basil

Kubis, Tom

Lamb, Bobby

Lambe, Johnny

Lanin, Sam

Lawrence, Elliot

Levy, Louis

Lewis, Vic

Lindup, David

Lipton, Syd

Lusher, Don

Mackintosh, Ken

Maini, Joe

Manone, Wingy

Marsala, Joe

Marterie, Ralph

Martin, Freddy

Martin, Ray

Masters, Mark

Matz, Peter

Maxwell, Robert

McVay, Ray

Miller, Glenn

Miller, Herb

Million Airs Orchestra, The

Million Airs, The

Mole, Miff

Monroe, Marilyn

Monroe, Vaughn

Montgomery, Marian

Mooney, Joe

Moreno, Buddy

Morgan Music

Morgan, P.C. Alexander

Morgan, Russ

Morrisey, Dick

Morrow, Buddy

Morse, Ella Mae

N.Y. Hardbop Quintet, The

Nathan, Jack

National Brass Band, The

National Youth Jazz Orchestra

Nelson, Ozzie

Netteswell Youth Band

Newton, James

Ogerman, Claus

Orchestra, Sauter-Finegan

Orkest, Metropole

Owens, Frank

Palmer, Peter

Parry, Harry

Pastor, Tony

Pepper, Art

Pete Cater Big Band

Polk, Lucy Ann

Porcino, Al

Port Isaac's Fisherman's Frien

Porter, Cole


Powell, Jane

Powell, Mel

Preager, Lou

Price, Jesse

Prima, Louis

Procope, Russ

Rabin, Oscar

Raeburn, Boyd

Reisman, Joe

Rey, Monte

Rich, Fred

Rich, Paul

Riddle, Nelson

Robertson, Dick

Roger, Roger

Rogers, Eric

Romancers, The

Romano, Tony

Ross, Billy

Ross, Steve

Rothman, Paul

Rotondi, Jim

Roy, Harry

Royal Armoured Corps

Royal Scots Dragoon Guards

Russell, Luis

Russo, William

Sack, Al

Sampson, Edgar

Santos, Ricardo

São Paulo Dixieland Band

Sarnia Big Band

Schachtner, Heinz

Schumann, Walter

Selvin, Ben

Severinsen, Doc

Shihab, Sahib

Shu, Eddie

Silver, Jimmy

Simeone, Harry

Sinatra Jr, Frank

Skymasters, The

Smith, Buster

Snow, Valaida

Soprano Summit

Spitfire Band, The

Spivak, Charlie

Squadronaires, The

Squires, Rosemary

Staff, Freddy

Stereo Action Orchestra, The

Stone, Lew

Stott, Wally

Sullivan, Maxine

Sunkel, Phil

Talbert, Tom

Tarragano And His Orchestra

Taylor, Creed

Taylor, Rusty

Terry, Clark & Brookmeyer, Bob

Third Degree, The

Thornhill, Claude

Toland, Marie

Torch, Sidney

Tracey, Bob

Travis, Nick

Trilogy Big Band

Trotter, John Scott

Tucker, Sophie

U.S. Army Air Force Band

Various - 40s/Big Band & Swing

Various - Brass Bands

Various - Soul & Funk

Vodicka, Ed


Walters, Nick

Warren, John

Watt, Tommy

Weeks, Anson

Weir, Frank

Weiss, Klaus

White, Jay

Wilbur, Jay

Wilkins, Ernie

Wilkinson, Arthur

Williams Cootie & Stewart Rex

Winnick, Maurice

WIU Jazz Studio Orchestra

Wood, Booty

Woodward, Rickey

Yaged, Sol

Yoder, Paul

Zentner, Si

Zetterlund, Monica

Zimmerman, Harry

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