"G" Notes, The
$lim $lip & The $liders
(Rockabilly), Cadillac
4 O'Briens, The
5th Ball Gang
Adams, Danny
Addicts, The
Alaimo, Steve
Alamo, Frank
Allen, Bobby
Allen, Dave (Blues)
Allen, Jake
Allman Brothers Band
Allman, Gregg
Allsup, Tommy
Altar Boys, The
Ambulators, The
American Blues
Amont, Marcel
Angel, Johnny
Ann, Ruby
Ashton, Bud
Axe (70s)
B And The Bops
B-52's The
B. Bumble & The Stingers
Backus, Gus
Bad Boys, The
Baker, Mickey
Bandits, The (60s)
Barrett, Richie
Barry, Joe
Baseballs, The
Batman and Robin
Bats, The (60s SA)
Beach Boys, The
Beatniks, The
Béchiran, Roger
Beggars & Thieves
Bell, Freddie
Bellus, Tony
Bennett, Cliff & Rebel Rousers
Bennett, Teddy
Best, Pete
Bev, Johnny
Big Bopper
Big Daddy
Big Ed And His Rockin' Rattles
Big Twist & The Mellow Fellows
Bill Black's Combo
Blackjacks, The
Blackwater Conspiracy
Blendells, The
Bloomfield, Steve
Blue Caps, The
Blue Cats, The
Blue Diamonds, The
Bo Street Runners, The
Boatman, Tooter
Bobby Angelo And The Tuxedos
Bocky And The Visions
Boogie Kings, The
Boogie, Endless
Boots Brown And His Blockbuste
Bop-Chords, The
Boppers, The
Bowen, Jimmy
Brain Twisters, The
Brandon, Vern
Breathless (R&R)
Bremner, Billy
Brincos, Los
Brom, Marti
Brood, Herman
Brook Brothers, The
Brook, Tony
Bros, Maddox
Bros., Sirocco
Bruce, Ed
Bruce, Tommy
Buchanan, Roy
Buddy Odor Stop, The
Buick 55'S, The
Burgess, Sonny
Burland, Sascha
Burnett, T-Bone
Burnette, Billy
Burnette, Johnny
Burnette, Johnny And Dorsey
Burnette, Rocky
Burns, Eddy
Burt Bales & Paul Lingle
Busters, The
Buzz And The Flyers
Byrne, Jerry
Byrnes, Edd
Caezars, The
Cannon, Ace
Capitol Records
Capocci, Pat
Captains Of Industry
Carlisle, Jim
Carlisles, The
Carroll, Johnny
Caruso, Dick
Chamfort, Alain
Champs, The
Channels, The
Chantilly Lace
Chaparrals, The
Chaussettes Noires, Les
Cheetahs, The
Cherokees, The
Chesterfield Kings, The
Chimes (50S), The
Chris And The Students
Chris Ravel And The Ravers
Christian, Neil
Clayton, Steve
Clement, Jack
Cliff Jackson & The Naturals
Coast To Coast
Coffee Bar Skifflers, The
Coffin Nails, The
Cohen, David Bennett
Cold Cuts, The
Cole, Jerry
Columbia Brothers
Comstock, Bobby
Cook, Little Joe
Cookie And Cupcakes, The
Cool Bananas
Corals, The
Cordell, Ritchie
Cosmo, Tony
Count Bishops, The
Count Victors
Countrymen, The
Courtney, Bill
Courvale, Keith
Crawdaddys, The
Crawford, Jimmy
Crawford, Johnny
Crazy Cavan & Rhythm Rockers
Crewsy Fixers, The
Crickets, The
Crows, The (50s)
Cruisers, The (90s)
Crystal & Runnin' Wild
Cuby + Blizzards
Cupp, Pat
Curly, Alexander
Curtess, Buddy
Curtis, Mac
Curtola, Bobby
Cymbal, Johnny
Dale & Grace
Dale, Syd
Dalys, The
Danger, Donna
Danny "O" & The Astrotones
Danny & The Juniors
Dante, Troy
Dave Phillips And The Hot Rod
David, Alan
Davis, Link
Dawson, Ronnie
Day, Bobby
De Groot, Keith
Deacon, Bobby
Dead Bone Ramblers
Dead Feathers
Dee, Bailey
Dee, Tommy
Del Vikings, The
Delicates, The
Dennis, Jackie
Dennisons, The
Destry, Johnny
Dickie Rock & Miami Showband
Digger Revell's Denver Men
Dirty Stop Out
Dixon, Hugh
Dobro, Jimmy
Doel Brothers, The
Dominoes, The
Don And Dewey
Donn, Larry
Donner, Ral
Drops, Scarlet
Duals, The
Duane Ripley And His Go-Go Set
Ducks, The
Duff McKagan's Loaded
Duffy's Nucleus
Duke, Denver & Null, Jeffery
Duke, Diana
Dumper, Johnny
Dúo Dinámico
Eager, Vince
Earls, The
Edwards, Nokie
Edwards, Tibby
Eel Pie All Stars
Eggs Over Easy
Embers, The
Emerson Billy 'The Kid'
Epstein, Brian
Escorts, The
Fabulous Poodles, The
Fabulous Thunderbirds, The
Fairburn, Werly
Falco, Tav
Falcons, The
Fanny (70s)
Fanny (90s)
Fats And The Chessmen
Feathers, Charlie
Fergus & Geronimo
Fi-Tones, The
Fields, Ernie
Fifth Order, The
Fireballs, The
Fish, Samantha
Fisher, Sonny
Five Crowns, The
Five Jets, The
Flash (80s)
Flash Cadillac
Flying Saucers
Foley, Red
Fontaine, Eddie
Forbes, Bill
Ford, Frankie
Ford, Rocky Bill
Fortune, Lance
Four Fellows, The
Four Iveys
Four Jets, The
Fowler, Pete
Framus Five, The
François, Claud
Frank, Harmonica
Frantix, The
Frederick, Dotty
Freeman, Bobby
Freres Farago, Les
Frisco, Jackie
Fruit Tones
Fuller, Jerry
Gamblers, The
Garnett, Ray
Germani, Remo
Gibbons, Billy F.
Gibson Bros
Goddard, Geoff
Good Old Boys, The
Good Rats
Goodbye June
Gordon, Robert
Gordon, Rosco
Gracie, Charlie
Granahan, Gerry
Gray, Mal
Green, Lee & Leake, Lafayette
Green, Mick
Grieves, Grant
Grips, The
Guana Batz, The
Guitar Johnny & The Rhythm Roc
Guitar Slim
Guitares Du Diable, Les
Gunner, Jim
Gunter, Hardrock
Guv'ners, The
Hall, Bob
Hamilton, Colbert
Hank The Knife & The Jets
Harper, Joe
Harptones, The
Harris, Wee Willie
Harry Toledo And The Rockets
Hawkins, Dale
Hawkins, Ronnie
Hawkmen, The
Hazzard, Tony
Heartbeats (50S), The
Hegarty, Den
Hendricks, Bobby
Herold, Ted
Herrold, Dennis
Hess, Bennie
Hewitt, Ben
Hi Voltage [Rockabilly]
Hi-Fi's, The
Hi-Liters, The
Higham, Darrel
Highliners, The
Hightower, Dean
Hill, David
Hillbilly Moon Explosion, The
Hiss Golden Messenger
Hofmann, Peter
Hogan's Heroes
Hogan, Silas
Holly, Buddy
Hollywood Argyles
Hollywood Flames, The
Hopkins, Nicky
Houseshakers, The
Howard, Brian
Ife, Kris
Iguanas, The
Ingmann, Jorgen
J.D. Short
Jackals, The
Jacks (50S), The
Jackson, Jimmy
Jaguar & The Savanas
James, Nick
Jan And Arnie
Javalins, The
Javaloyas, Los
Jay Dee
Jaybirds, The
Jayne, Alice
Jenkins, Bobo
Jeremy & The Harlequins
Jewels, The
Jimmie And The Night Hoppers
Jimmy Daley & The Ding-A-Lings
Jimmy DeBerry & Walter Horton
Jive Five, The
John Lewis [Rockabilly]
John, Little Willie
Johnny & The Jailbirds
Johnny And The Strollers
Johnny, Electric
Jon Spencer & The Hitmakers
Jones Boys, The
Jones Gang, The
Jones, B-Lou & His Jupiters
Jones, Beverley
Jones, Jimmy (R&R)
Jordanaires, The
Joy Of Cooking
Joy, Benny
Jumpin' Gene Simmons
Just Four Men
Justis, Bill
Kaye, Mary
Keil, Herma
Kelly, Frank
Kent, Morgan
Kick' Em Jenny
Kim Larsen And Jungledreams
King Biscuit Boy
King Of Hearts
King Pleasure And The Biscuit
King Size Taylor And The Domin
King, Ricky
King, Solomon
Kinsmen, The
Klein, Alan
Knight, Pete
Knight, Peter
Knockouts, The
Knox, Buddy
Koffin Kats
Kravin' A's, The
Krew Kats, The
Kursaal Flyers, The
Laddins, The
Lamplighters, The
Lana Sisters, The
Landers, Bob
Laura Lee Perkins
Leander, Mike
Lee, Freddie 'Fingers'
Lee, Jackie (US M)
Legend, Johnny
Leiber & Stoller
Leroi Brothers
Les Chats Sauvages
Les Zazous
Lewis, Bobby (R&R)
Lewis, Lew
Liberty Records
Little Charlie & The Nightcats
Little Ike
Lloyd, Jimmy
London & The Bridges
Lonesome Drifter, The
Long And The Short, The
Long Tall Ernie And The Shaker
Long Tall Texans, The
Lords Of The New Church, The
Los 5 Del Este
Loudermilk, John D.
Love, Preston
Low Point Drains
Lowe, Jim
Lucas, Matt
Luke, Robin
Lynton, Jackie
Maddox Brothers, The
Maddox, Rose & Glenn, Glen
Mann, Barry
Mann, Carl
Maresca, Ernie
Marlon 'Madman' Mitchell And T
Martino, Miranda
Masters, Sammy
Matadors, The (R&R)
Matys Bros., The
May, Imelda
McPhatter, Clyde
McPherson, JD
Melson, Joe
Memphis Bend
Memphis, Chuck
Merced Blue Notes
Merrill, Buddy
Merritt, Max
Meteors, The (60s)
Meteors, The (80s)
Mickey And Sylvia
Miller, Bob & The Millermen
Million Dollar Quartet
Milwaukee Coasters, The
Mitchell, Eddy
Mitchell, Freddie
Mizell, Hank
Monahan, Stephen
Monarchs, The
Montanas, The
Montecristos, The
Moon, Larry
Moonriders, The
Moontrekkers, The
Moore, Bob
Morgan Twins, The
Morgan, Scott
Most, Mickie
Move, The
Moving Sidewalks
Mullican, Moon
Mure, Billy
Murray The K
Mus-Twangs, The
Mustang, Los
Naylor, Jerry
New Barbarians
Nicol, Jimmy
Nigel Dixon & The Whirlwinds
Nilsmen, The
Nitros, The
Nits, The
Nobelmen, The
Nu-Notes, The
Nurse, Night
Nutmegs, The
O'Gwynn, James
O'Keefe, Johnny
Olenn, Johnny
Olney, Dave
Only, Jerry
Orioles, Felders
Orion (Elvis)
Other Half, The
Ozzie Warlock And The Wizards
Packabeats, The
Paige, Joey
Paladins, The
Panic Brothers, The
Parker, Junior
Pastels [1950S], The
Patton, Jimmy
Paul, Les
Paul, Les & Ford, Mary
Peek, Paul
Pendarvis, Tracy
Peppermint, Danny
Perkins, Carl (R&R)
Persuasions, The
Peter's Faces
Peters, Johnny
Pharaohs, The
Phil Phillips & The Twilights
Planet Rockers, The
Planets [Rock N Roll], The
Playboys, The
Polo Hofer & Die Schmetterband
Popular Pants People
Power, Duffy
Powerhouse, The
Powers, Johnny
Pratt & McClain
Pratt, Andy
Pride, Dickie
Pullens, Vern
Quantrell, Johnny
Quinn, Brendan
Quinn, Carole
Quotations, The
Rain, Sweet
Rainbows, The
Ralph Nielsen & The Chancellor
Rambeau, Eddie
Ramblers, The (60s)
Randazzo, Teddy
Raney, Wayne
Rapiers, The
Rats, The (60s)
Rats, The (US)
Raven, Paul
Real Gone Tones, The
Reataz, The
Red Beans And Rice
Red West Combo
Redcaps, The
Reed, Dean
Regan, Tommy
René And His Alligators
Restivo, Johnny
Rhoades, Darryl
Rhythm Jesters, The
Rich, Paul
Richards, Digby
Richards, Earl
Ricky Livid And The Tone Deafs
Riddlers, The
Riff, Eddie
Riley, Billy
Riley, Billy Lee
Rinky-Dinks, The
Rios, Miguel
Riot Rockers, The
Ripoffs, The
Rivers, Dick
Rivers, Johnny
Rivers, Tony & Castaways, The
Rivieras, The
Robbins, Mel
Roberts Jr., Al
Robillard, Duke
Rocco, Tony
Rock 'N' Roll Allstars
Rock 'N' Roll Revival Show
Rock-Olas, The
Rockabilly Rebs
Rockets, The (Crazy Horse)
Rockets, The (Rock)
Rockfield Chorale
Rockin' Bonnie Western Bound Combo
Rockin' Jimmy And The Brothers
Rockin' Louie & The Mamma Jamm
Rockin' R's, The
Rockin' Rebels, The
Rockin' Saints
Rockin' Shades, The
Rocky Sharpe & The Replays
Rodgers, Jimmie (Rock & Roll)
Rolling Stones, The
Romero, Chan
Ronettes, The
Ross, Jonny
Rossi, Walter
Roulettes, The
Roy Head & The Traits
Royal Flairs, The
Royaltones, The
Ruff, Ray & Checkmates, The
Ryder, Freddie
Sainty, Russ
Same Old Shoes, The
Sands, Evie
Sandy And The Wild Wombats
Sanguisto, Ennio
Scarbrough, Gene
Scott, Simon
Scott, Tommy
Second Opinion
Secrets, The
Seeger, Mike
Self, Ronnie
Shadow, Johnny & Gavan, Danny
Shakin' Pyramids, The
Shane And The Shane Gang
Shane, Paul & Yellowcoats, The
Shanghai (Mickey Green)
Sharp, Randy
Sharpe, Ray
Shelton, Gary
Shepherds Bush Comets, The
Sheridan, Tony
Shields, The
Shooting Stars, The
Shy Ones, The
Silver Tones, The
Simpson, Steve
Sinners, The
Sinx Mitchell
Sisamouth, Sinn
Skiles, Johnny
Slavin, Martin
Smith, Mack Allen
Smith, Mike
Smith, Warren
Smokestack Lightnin'
Sons Of Heroes
Sounds Incorporated
Sounds, Bell
Southlanders, The
Space Cadets, The
Spacemen, The
Sparkletones, The
Spencer, Don
Spencer, Sonny
Spider Murphy Gang
Spiders (50S), The
Spinning Wheel
Spirals, The
Sports, The
Springfield, Dusty
Springfields, The (Folk)
Squires, The
Stacy, Clyde
Stargazers, The (50s)
Starliters, The
Starr, Jack (R&R)
Station Skiffle Group, The
Stations, Panic
Stewart, Billy
Stillman, Art
Sting-Rays, The
Stoller, Rhet
Strazzeri, Frank
Streamliners, The
Strypes, The
Summers, Gene
Sun Records
Sunny & The Sunglows
Surf Raiders, The
Surfrajettes, The
Sylvester, Terry
Tall Boys, The
Tammy's, The
Taple, Mac
Taylor, Dave
Taylor, Vernon
Teddy And The Tigers
Tedesco, Tommy
Teen Beats, The
Teen Kings, The
Teens, Royal
Tennessee Hotshots, The
Them Crooked Vultures
Thompson, Hayden
Tielman Brothers, The
Tiger John Blues Band
Times (60s), The
Timmy And The Tulips
Tofani, Paolo
Townsel Sisters
Track Records
Transatlantics, The
Trends, The
Tridents, The
Trucks, Derek
Truth (60s), The
Tucker, Cy
Tucker, Tommy
Turbans, The
Turner, Big Joe
Turner, Jesse Lee
Turner, Jim
Turner, Keith
Twangs, Los
Two Smith Brothers, The
Typhoons, The
United States Double Quartet
V, Formula
Valens, Ritchie
Various-Surf & Instrumental
Vartan, Sylvie
Velvet Angels, The
Ventures, The
Vikings Gitarband, The
Vincent, Gene
Vinton, Bobby
Viscounts, The
Wackers, The
Wailers, The
Walker, Troy
Wallace, Jerry
Wammack, Travis
Watkins, Geraint
Wayne, Bobby
Wayne, Pat
Wayne, Terry
Wayne, Thomas
Webster, Chase
White, Tam
Whyton, Wally
Wild Goners, The
Wild Wally
Wild, Danny
Wilder, Webb
Wiley, T.C.
Williams, Jerry
Williams, Larry
Williams, Lew
Willy And His Giants
Wilson, Peanuts
Wilson, Ronnie
Wipe Out
Wise Guyz, The
Wood, Anita
Wrens, The (R&B)
X-Men, The
Yakety Yak
Yellow Payges, The
Yelvington, Malcolm
York, Rusty
Young Guns
Young, Garth
Young, Roy
Young, Shaun
ZZ Top