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The Beatle Years - set of 24 - US - CD ALBUM    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years (2000 US Westwood One set of 24 consecutively run radio show CDs, inc Paul McCarney's 58th Birthday special plus solo & group recordings, #00-04-00-27)
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The Beatle Years - Setting The Stage For America - US - CD ALBUM    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years - Setting The Stage For America (US Westwood One radio show CD from February '99, inc cues #99-06)
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The Beatles The Beatle Years - Setting The Stage For America CD album US BTLCDTH138718
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The Beatle Years - Silly Questions/clever Answers - US - CD ALBUM    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years - Silly Questons/Clever Answers (US Westwood One radio show CD, aired September 23 1996 + Qs #96-39)
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The Beatle Years - Story Tellers 16cd Set - US - CD ALBUM    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years - Story Tellers (US Westwood One 16-CD radio show, looking in depth at their original material, orig broadcast from March 23rd '98, inc full cue sheets, show#98-13/98-29)
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The Beatle Years - The Beatles First Visit To America - US - CD ALBUM    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years - The Beatles First Visit To America (US Westwood One radio show CD from Feb 1999, inc cues #99-07)
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The Beatle Years - The Beatles On Vee Jay - US - CD ALBUM    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years - The Beatles On Vee Jay (US Westwood One radio show CD from March 1999, incl cues #99-10)
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The Beatle Years - The Beatles White A Beginning To - US - CD ALBUM    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years - The Beatles 'White' A Beginning To An End (US Westwood One radio show CD from '99 inc cues, #99-05)
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The Beatle Years - The Beatles: Unplugged - US - CD ALBUM    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years - The Beatles: Unplugged (Westwood One US radio show CD, first aired September 30 1996 + Qs! #96-40)
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The Beatle Years - The Break Up... Pt 1 & 2 - US - 2-CD ALBUM SET    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years - The Break Up: A Look Back At 1970 (Part 1 & Part 2 US Westwood One double CD radio show originally broadcast in January 1995, inc full cues, show #95-04)
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The Beatle Years - The Cavern Years - US - CD ALBUM    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years - The Cavern Years (Westwood One US CD radio show, aired November 18 1996 + cues #96-47)
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The Beatle Years - The Ringo Starr Story - US - CD ALBUM    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years - The Ringo Starr Story (Westwood One US radio show CD orig aired Oct/Nov '98, inc cues, #98-44)
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The Beatle Years - War & Peace - US - CD ALBUM    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years - War & Peace (Westwood One US CD radio show, broadcast November 11 1996 + cue sheet #96-46)
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The Beatle Years - White Album Winner Part 1 & 2 - US - 2-CD ALBUM SET    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years - White Album Winners Part 1 & 2 (US Westwood One dbl CD radio show from March 99, inc cues #99-13/14)
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The Beatle Years - Yoko Ono/linda Mccartney Pt.1 - US - CD ALBUM    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years - Yoko Ono/Linda McCartney Pt.1 (US Westwood One CD radio show, aired Dec 23 1996 + Qs! #96-52)
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The Beatle Years - Yoko Ono/linda Mccartney Pt.2 - US - CD ALBUM    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years - Yoko One/Linda McCartney Pt.2 (US Westwood One US radio show CD, aired Dec 30 1996 + cues #97-01)
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The Beatle Years: 1964 Tour Of Us/canada Pt 1 & 2 - US - 2-CD ALBUM SET    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years: 1964 Tour Of US/Canada (Westwood One US Pt 1 & 2 double CD radio show, Sept '97, + cues)
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The Beatle Years: Andy Peebles' Interview Pt 1 &2 - US - 2-CD ALBUM SET    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years: Andy Peebles' Interview w/John Lennon (Westwood One US double CD radio show featuring both Part 1 & 2 of the interview, originally broadcast Dec. '95, inc cues)
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The Beatle Years: Apple - Part 1, 2 & 3 - US - 3-CD SET    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years: Apple (Part 1, 2 & 3 Westwood One US 3 x CD radio show orig. aired Feb '96, inc cues, #96-09/10/11)
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The Beatle Years: Apple - Part 1, 2 3 - US - 3-CD SET    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years: Apple (Part 1, 2 & 3 Westwood One US 3 x CD radio show from May 1997, inc cues, show #97-21/22/23)
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The Beatle Years: Conversation With George Pt 1 & 2 - US - 2-CD ALBUM SET    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years: Conversations With George (Westwood One US Part 1 & 2 double CD radio show originally broadcast in October 1995, includes full cue sheets, show #95-44/45)
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The Beatle Years: Hamburg - Part 1 & 2 - US - 2-CD ALBUM SET    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years: Hamburg (Part 1 & 2 Westwood One US double CD radio show orig aired March 1998, inc cues)
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The Beatle Years: Lennon/mccartney - Pt 1, 2 & 3 - US - 3-CD SET    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years: Lennon/McCartney (Westwood One US 3 x CD set, Part 1, 2 & 3 radio shows originally broadcast in April 1997, each includes full cue sheets, show #97-15/16/17)
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The Beatle Years: The Story Of Wings - Pt 1 &2 - US - 2-CD ALBUM SET    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years: The Story Of Wings (Part 1 & 2 US Westwood One radio show CD set, orig aired April 95, inc QS)
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The Beatle Years:lost Publishing - US - CD ALBUM    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle Years: Lost Publishing (Westwood One US radio show CD orig. aired Aug '97, inc full cues, show #97-32)
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The Beatle's First Radio Interview 27 October 1962 - UK - 7" VINYL    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatle's First Radio Interview 27 October 1962 (1986 UK single sided 7" flexidisc, originally issued with copies of 'The Beatles Live!' book by Mark Lewisjohn)
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The Beatles The Beatle's First Radio Interview 27 October 1962 7
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The Beatles - US - MEMORABILIA    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatles (Officially Licensed 1996 Apple Corps 1½" circular metal keyring featuring the classic 'The Beatles' logo on a bass drum design used during 'The Anthology' period, this is still sealed in the original clear plastic bag!)
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The Beatles The Beatles memorabilia US BTLMMTH396003
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The Beatles - Italian - 3-LP VINYL SET    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatles (Rare 1982 Italian Historic label 36-track 3-LP vinyl set featuring material recorded live at the Star Club, Hamburg and at the band's January 1962 audition for Decca Records with Pete Best on drums, housed in a white text ured card title box HIS10982)
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The Beatles The Beatles 3-LP vinyl set Italian BTL3LTH432500
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The Beatles - UK - MEMORABILIA    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatles (2008 UK issue officially licensed Beatles/Apple Corps set of 6 circular shaped drinks coasters, each measuring 3½" in diameter and featuring the classic Beatles logo, manufactured from a high quality tin with non-slip cor k base, safely stored in a metal presentation case)
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The Beatles The Beatles memorabilia UK BTLMMTH430751
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The Beatles - UK - POSTER - Promo    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatles (Official UK Parlophone/Apple 30" x 20" promotional poster for the promotion of 8 special price Beatles titles - Anthology 1, Anthology 2, Anthology 3, Live At The BBC, 1962-1966 Red Album, 1967-1970 Blue Album, Past Maste rs Volume One and Past Master Volume Two. Includes a 4" x 4" image of each album's artwork, plus a picture of the fab four leaning over the railing of the staircase at the EMI offices in Manchester, as featured on the Blue Album. Would look great framed!)
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The Beatles The Beatles poster UK BTLPOTH427956
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The Beatles - French - VINYL LP    more of this title
THE BEATLES The Beatles (Rare original 1968 French Apple label 30-track STEREO 2-LP vinyl set, housed in the top-opening fully laminated embossed and numbered gatefold title sleeve. The sleeve is showing evidence of light creasing to edges with m ild scuffing to edges and spine, however the internal flipbacks are secure and vinyls are in excellent condition with only light inaudible surface marks, and labels free from spindle wear - a great playing copy! SMO2051/52)
#Top 500 Greatest Albums Of All Time
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The Beatles The Beatles vinyl LP French BTLLPTH426588
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Alternative Names: Les Beatles,Los Beatles,Die Beatles,Fab Four
Related Artists: Aashish Khan, Ananda Shankar, Andy White (Beatles), Arthur Wilkinson, Astrid Kirchherr, Attitudes, Backbeat, Billy Preston, Bobby Keys, Brian Epstein, Brute Force, Café Crème, Carl Groszmann, Cavern Sound, Chris Hodge, Colonel, Cynthia Lennon, Dark Horse Records, David Hentschel, DBM, Denny Laine, Derek Taylor, Dhani Harrison, Easy Pieces, Elastic Oz Band, Elephant's Memory, George Harrison, George Martin, Goddess Of Fortune, Guthrie Thomas, Handmade Films, Henry McCullough, Hollyridge Strings, Jackie Lomax, James McCartney, Jimmy McCulloch & White Line, Jimmy Nicol, Jiva, Joey Molland, John Lennon, John Tavener, Johnny Warman, Julian Lennon, Julie Ege, Kamikaze One 85, Keni Burke, Klaus Voormann, Linda McCartney, Lon & Derrek Van Eaton, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Mary Hopkin, Musketeer Gripweed, NEMS (Record Label), New World Electronic Chambre Ensemble, Oasis (Mary Hopkin), Paul McCartney and Wings, Peace Choir, Percy Thrillington, Pete Best, Radha Krishna Temple, Ravi Shankar, Ray Cathode, Ringo Or Robin, Ringo Starr, Roger Webb, Ronnie Spector, Rory Storm And The Hurricanes, Ross, Russ Sainty, Rusty Anderson, Sean Lennon, Smokin' Mojo Filters, Splinter, Stormer, Stuart Sutcliffe, Suzanne, Suzy And The Red Stripes, Sylvia Griffin, Tee-M, The Aerovons, The Alpha Band, The Bedrocks, The Black Dyke Mills Band, The Claypool Lennon Delirium, The Country Hams, The Fireman, The Fool, The London Jazz Four, The Marbles (60s), The Mirza Men, The Moonlandingz, The Quarrymen, The Remo Four, The Sundown Playboys, Thenewno2, Tommy Quickly, Tony Sheridan, Trash (70s), Traveling Wilburys, Yoko Ono
Related Music Genres: 60s Beat60s Pop60s RockApple labelPOP
THE BEATLES music memorabilia auctions and THE BEATLES lp records and THE BEATLES american single
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