Agent Provocateur (80s)

Agutter, Jenny

Akabusi, Kriss

Allen, Woody

Allyson, June

Amanda Barrie

Amanda Donohue

Anderson Loni

Anderson, Gillian

Anderson, Pamela

Andrews, Julie

Angela Bassett

Angie Dickinson


Anne Charleston

Ant & Dec

Anthony Quinn

Arden, Don

Arlene Dahl

Arnee and the Terminaters

Arthur, Bea

Ash, Leslie

Atkinson, Rowan

Ayres, Pam

Bacall, Lauren

Back To the Future

Baker, Josephine

Baldwin, Alec

Ball, Lucille

Banderas, Antonio


Barbara Cartland

Bardot, Brigitte

Barr, Roseanne

Barry Cryer

Barrymore, Drew

Basinger, Kim

Bates, Kathy

Beacham, Stephanie

Bean, Sean

Beckham, David

Belloc, Hilaire

Belushi, John

Bernhard, Sandra

Beryl Reid

Besson Luc

Bill & Ben

Binoche, Juliette

Birds Of A Feather (TV)

Birkin Jane & Gainsbourg Serge

Bisset, Jacqueline

Blackburn, Tony

Blackman, Honor

Blair, Lionel

Blake, Peter (Artist)

Blues Brothers, The

Bob Carolgees

Bob Monkhouse

Bogarde, Dirk

Boothroyd Betty

Boulaye Patti

Bracken Eddie

Branagh, Kenneth

Brand, Russell

Brian And Michael

Brooks, Mel

Brush, Basil

Bryan Brown

Bullock, Sandra

Burnett Carol

Caan, James

Cagney, James

Caine, Marti

Caine, Michael

Cameron, James

Campbell, Naomi

Carmichael, Ian

Carol Vorderman

Carrey, Jim

Carson, Willie

Carter, Lynda

Carter, Ralph

Cassidy, David

Catherine Deneuve

Chan, Jackie

Chaplin, Charlie

Charles Dance

Charles, Suzette

Charlton, Jack

Chipmunks, The

Christie, Julie

Christopher Lee

Churchill, Winston

Clayderman, Richard

Cleese John

Clooney, George

Close, Glenn

Collins, Joan

Collins, Lewis

Collins, Pauline

Conley, Brian

Constantine, Eddie

Conti, Tom

Conway, Steve

Cook, Beryl

Cook, Peter & Moore, Dudley

Copperfield, David

Cosby, Bill

Costner, Kevin

Coward, Noël

Cox, Courtney

Crawford, Cindy

Crawford, Michael

Crisp, Quentin

Crowe, Russell

Cruise, Tom

Curtis, Jamie Lee

Damon, Matt

Dan Aykroyd

Dangerfield, Rodney

Danny Aiello

Danny La Rue

David Kossoff

Dawson, Les

De La Hoya, Oscar

De Niro, Robert

Dean, James

Dee, Simon

DeGeneres, Ellen

Denise + Johnny

Depp, Johnny

Derek And Clive

Derek Jarman

Detroit Sound, The

Diana Quick

Diaz, Cameron

DiCaprio, Leonardo

Dickens, Charles

Donald, O'Connor

Dors, Diana

Douglas, Kirk

Douglas, Michael

Downey Jr, Robert

Dr Martin Luther King Jr

Duchovny, David



Eastwood, Clint

Edmonds, Noel

Eikenberry, Jill

Ekland, Britt

Elphick, Michael

Elton, Ben

Emery, Dick

Emmerdale (show)

Enfield, Harry

Epstein, Brian

Everage, Dame Edna

Everett, Kenny

Ewin, Donna

Fairbanks Jnr, Douglas

Falk, Peter

Fawlty Towers

Faye Dunaway

Ferrari, Lolo

Field, Sally

Fielding, Fenella

Fiennes, Ralph

Finney, Albert

Fisher, Connie

Fisher, Eddie

Flynn, Errol

Foale Michael

Fonz, The

Ford, Harrison

Forsyth, Bruce

Foster, Jodie

Frances McDormand

Frost, David

Frye, David

Fullerton Fiona

Furlong, Edward

Gabor, Zsa Zsa

Gabrielle Drake

Garcia, Andy

Garland, Judy

Garner, James

Garrett, Lesley

Gascoigne, Paul

Gaultier, Jean Paul

Gerard Depardieu

Gere, Richard

Gibson, Mel

Gielgud, John

Gleason, Jackie

Gless, Sharon

Glynis Barber

Glynis Johns

Glynis Jones

Golden Girls, The

Grant, Hugh

Grayson, Larry

Green & Flynn

Grenfell, Joyce

Greta Scacchi

Guiness, Alec

Gurdjieff, G.I.

Hague, William

Hall, Jerry

Hamlisch Marvin

Hancock, Tony

Hanks, Tom

Hannah Montana

Harmon, Mark

Harris Julie

Harris, Keith & Duck, Orville

Harris, Richard

Harris, Rolf

Harrison, Rex

Hart, Melissa Joan

Hasselhoff, David

Hawkes, Chesney

Heath, Edward

Heche, Anne

Helping Haiti

Hemingway Margaux

Hertner, Rob

Herzigova, Eva

Heston, Charlton

Hewitt, Jennifer Love

Hill, Benny

Hill, Graham

Hilton, Paris

Hoddle & Waddle

Hoffman, Dustin

Hogan, Brooke

Holland Jeffrey

Hope, Bob

Horrocks, Jane

Hoskins, Bob

Houston, Anjelica

Howerd, Frankie

Hudson, Rock

Humphrey, Ange

Hunniford, Gloria

Hunter, Rachel

Hurley, Liz

Hurt, John

Ian Lavender

Indiana Jones

Irons, Jeremy

Isla Blair

Izzard, Eddie

Jackson, Glenda

James, Clive

Jamesons, The

Jane Asher

Jane Seymour

Janus, Samantha

Jarrett, Dale

Jason Scott Lee

Jason Scott-Lee

Jean Simmons

Jenny Seagrove

Joan Fontaine

Joan Plowright

Joanna Trollope

Joe Cole

Joe Pasquale

Johansson, Scarlett

Johnson, Don

Jones Freddie

Jones, Catherine Zeta

Jones, Vinnie

Judi Dench

Julian Clary

Julie Newmar

Julie Waters

Kay, Peter

Kaye, Davy

Keach Stacy

Keel, Howard

Keeler, Christine

Kemp, Martin

Kent Jean

Kerr, Deborah

Kidman, Nicole

Kilmer, Val

Kim Hunter

Kingsley, Ben

Kirchherr, Astrid


Knievel, Evel

Kray, Reg

Kristel, Sylvia

Kwouk, Burt

L.A. Law

Ladd, Cheryl

Lamour, Dorothy

Lansbury, Angela

Laurel & Hardy (Comedy)

Lee Evans

Lee, Brandon

Leigh, Janet

Lesley, Lorne

Leslie Caron

Leslie Crowther

Lewis, C.S.

Lloyd Bridges

Lloyd Webber, Andrew

Logan, Jimmy

Lohan, Ali

Lonely Island, The

Lord Of The Rings, The

Loren, Sophia

Loretta Young

Lorraine Chase

Lorraine Kelly

Love, Courtney (Hole)

Luft Lorna

Lumley, Joanna

Lusardi, Linda

MacLaine, Shirley

Maclean, Don

MacNee & Blackman

Macnee, Patrick

Maharis, George

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Majors, Lee

Man From U.N.C.L.E.

Mansfield, Jayne

Marisa Tomei

Marky Mark


Marsh Jean

Marti Webb

Martin, Steve

Mason, James [50s]

Matthew McConaughey

Mayall, Rik

McCallum, David

McCutcheon, Martine

McGuigan, Barry

McKellen, Ian

McKenna, Virginia

McPherson, Elle

Meader, Vaughn

Memphis Belle

Meredith, Burgess

Messenger, Melinda

Miami Vice

Michael Feinstein

Michael Winner

Michelle Collins

Miller, Ann

Miller, Max

Mills, Hayley

Mills, John

Mills, Juliet

Milne, A.A.

Mojos, The

Monroe, Marilyn

Montalban, Ricardo

Moore Clayton

Moore, Demi

Moran, Diana

Morecambe & Wise

Morgan Brittany

Morgan Freeman

Moss, Kate

Muggeridge, Malcolm

Mullard, Arthur

Murphy, Eddie

Murphy, Matt 'Guitar'

Nail, Jimmy

Neal, Patricia

Neilson, Brigitte

Nettles, John

Newhart, Bob

Newman, Nanette

Newman, Paul

Nicholas Grace

Nicholas, Paul

Nicholson, Jack

Nielson leslie

Nigel Havers

Nimoy, Leonard

Nolin, Gena Lee

Norby, Caecilie

O Toole, Peter

O'Casey, Sean

O'Connor, Des

O'Neal, Shaquille

Olivia De Havilland

Olivier, Laurence

Olympia Dukakis

Owen, Michael

Owen, Sid & Patty Palmer

Pacino, Al

Paddington Bear

Paltrow, Gwyneth

Pat & Mick

Patterson, Kellee

Peck, Gregory

Percival, Lance

Perry, Luke

Pesci, Joe

Pete Postlethwaite

Peters Bernadette

Pfeiffer, Michelle

Phoenix, River

Phyllis Diller

Pitt, Brad

Pitt, Ingrid

Pollard, Su

Powell, Robert

Priestley, Jason

Principal, Victoria

Pryce Jonathan

Puttnam, David

Rachins Alan

Rampling, Charlotte

Reagan Ronald

Rebecca De Mornay

Records, Coconut

Redford, Robert

Redgrave Lynn

Redgrave, Michael

Redgrave, Steven

Redgrave, Vanessa

Redknapp, Jamie

Reeves & Mortimer

Reeves, Keanu

Reeves, Vic

Reynolds, Burt

Reynolds, Debbie

Rhonda Fleming

Richard Attenborough

Richard Branson

Richard Dreyfuss

Richard Griffiths

Richard Todd

Richard, Wendy

Richardson Joely

Richardson Miranda

Ricki Lake

Rickitt Adam

Rickman, Alan

Rippy, Rodney Allen

Rita Moreno

Rivera Chita

Rivers Joan

Robert Lindsey

Robert Mitchum

Robert Urich

Roberts, Julia

Robson & Jerome

Roc, Patricia

Rock, Mick

Roth, Tim

Rourke, Mickey

Roving Boy

Ruby Wax

Russell, Jane

Ruth Rendell

Ruth Westheimer

Ryan O'Neal

Ryan, Meg

Ryder, Winona

Sally Struthers

Sandler, Adam

Savalas, Telly

Schiffer, Claudia

Schofield, Phillip

Schwarzenegger, Arnold

Schweitzer, Albert

Scoggins Tracy

Scott, Ridley

Seagal, Steven

Selleck, Tom

Sellers, Peter

Sesame Street

Shane Richie

Sharif, Omar

Shatner, William

Shearer Harry

Shepherd, Cybill


Shrimpton, Jean

Shue, Elisabeth

Shuttleworth, John


Smith, Maggie

Smith, Will

Spacey, Kevin

Stack, Robert

Stallone, Sylvester

Steadman Alison

Stephanie Powers

Steptoe & Son

Stern, Howard

Stewart, James

Stone, Sharon

Stubbs, Imogen

Suchet David

Sutherland, Joan

Swayze, Patrick

Sybil Danning

Sykes, Eric & Jacques, Hattie

Syliva Syms (UK)

Syms, Sylvia

T, Mr.

Tarantino, Quentin

Taylor, Rod

Temple, Shirley

Tewson, Josephine

The Bacon Brothers

The Bouncing Souls

Thirty Odd Foot Of Grunts

Thompson, Emma

Thompson, Hunter S.

Thorne, Willie

Thornton, Billy Bob

Thrower Debbie

Thurman, Uma

Tim Pigott Smith

Tolkien, J.R.R.

Tori Spelling

Tucker, Michael

Turlington, Christy

Turner, Kathleen


Twilight (Movie)

Two Ronnies, The

Ullman, Tracey

Ustinov, Peter

Van Damme, Jean Claude

Van Dyke, Dick

Van Dyke, Vonda


Varney, Reg

Vaughan, Norman


Victor Mature

Victor Spinetti

Vidal & Sylvestre

Wahlberg, Mark

Walker, Murray

Walter Matthau

Ward, Rachel

Washington, Denzil

Waterman, Dennis

Wayne, John

Weaver, Dennis

Welch, Raquel

Welles, Orson

Whitbread, Fatima

Wilder, Gene

Williams, Kenneth

Williams, Robin

Willis, Bruce

Winters, Shelley

Wisby, Tommy

Wood, Victoria

Woodhouse, Barbara

Woodward, Edward

Wright, Steve

Yates, Paula

York, Michael

Youdale, Diane

Zadora, Pia

Zappa, Moon Unit

Zoe Ball

Zoe Wanamaker
