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Robert Pollard  Discography
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Best Of 2008-2009 - US - CD ALBUM - Promo    more of this title
ROBERT POLLARD Best Of 2008-2009 (2009 US promotional-only 24-track CD compilation of highlights from the former leader and creative force behind indie rockers Guided By Voices, solo work, collaborations with Boston Spaceships and other side proj ects. Custom card picture wallet)
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Robert Pollard Best Of 2008-2009 CD album US RCGCDBE504497
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Best Of 2008-2009 - US - CD ALBUM - Promo    more of this title
ROBERT POLLARD Best Of 2008-2009 (2009 US promotional-only 24-track CD compilation of highlights from the former leader and creative force behind indie rock group Guided By Voices, solo work, collaborations with Boston Spaceships and other side p rojects. Housed in a custom card wallet picture sleeve which is still factory sealed from new, therefore mint and unplayed!)
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Robert Pollard Best Of 2008-2009 CD album US RCGCDBE509617
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Coast To Coast Carpet Of Love / Standard Gargoyle Decisions - US - 2-CD ALBUM SET - Promo    more of this title
ROBERT POLLARD Coast To Coast Carpet Of Love / Standard Gargoyle Decisions (2007 US 33-track promotional 2-CD album set which features the both albums packaged as one, in a custom 'Two Albums One Day!' gatefold card picture sleeve MRG307/317)
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Robert Pollard Coast To Coast Carpet Of Love / Standard Gargoyle Decisions 2-CD album set US RCG2CCO433987
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From A Compound Eye - UK - CD ALBUM - Promo    more of this title
ROBERT POLLARD From A Compound Eye (2006 UK 26-track promotional CD album from the former Guided By Voices frontman who made no secret of the fact that end of Guided By Voices would not mean the end of his songwriting and recording career; if any thing, it was a new beginning which allowed him to record when he wanted, what he wanted, with whomever he wanted and the result is no less stunning than anything he has produced thus far in his illustrious career and includes 'I’m A Strong Lion'. Custom flat card picture sleeve)
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Robert Pollard From A Compound Eye CD album UK RCGCDFR387385
£ 11.00
US$ 14.19
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From A Compound Eye - US - CD ALBUM - Promo    more of this title
ROBERT POLLARD From A Compound Eye (2006 US 26-track promotional CD - the debut solo album from the former Guided By Voices man, features the single 'I'm A Strong Lion'. Custom title/tracklisting back insert including a miniature image of the alb um artwork MRG272)
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Robert Pollard From A Compound Eye CD album US RCGCDFR518878
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From A Compound Eye - US - 2-LP VINYL SET    more of this title
ROBERT POLLARD From A Compound Eye (2006 US issue 26-track 2-LP vinyl set, debut solo long player from the former Guided By Voices man, features the single 'I'm A Strong Lion', includes a coupon offering free digital downloads of the entire album - sealed)
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Robert Pollard From A Compound Eye 2-LP vinyl set US RCG2LFR350289
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From The Compound Eye - UK - CD ALBUM    more of this title
ROBERT POLLARD From The Compound Eye (2006 UK 26-track CD album from the former Guided By Voices frontman who made no secret of the fact that end of Guided By Voices would not mean the end of his songwriting and recording career; if anything, it was a new beginning which allowed him to record when he wanted, what he wanted, with whomever he wanted and the result is no less stunning than anything he has produced thus far in his illustrious career and includes 'I’m A Strong Lion')
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Robert Pollard From The Compound Eye CD album UK RCGCDFR349040
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From The Compound Eye - UK - VINYL LP    more of this title
ROBERT POLLARD From The Compound Eye (2006 UK 26-track vinyl LP from the former Guided By Voices frontman who made no secret of the fact that end of Guided By Voices would not mean the end of his songwriting and recording career; if anything, it was a new beginning which allowed him to record when he wanted, what he wanted, with whomever he wanted and the result is no less stunning than anything he has produced thus far in his illustrious career and includes 'I’m A Strong Lion')
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Robert Pollard From The Compound Eye vinyl LP UK RCGLPFR349041
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I'm A Strong Lion - UK - CD SINGLE    more of this title
ROBERT POLLARD I'm A Strong Lion (2005 UK Strictly Limited Edition 3-track CD single - the first 'proper' release from the legendary disbanded Guided By Voices frontman and is taken from album 'From The Compound Eye' and clocks in at a fraction o ver a minute and is a statement of intent disguised as pop masterpiece, including the acid-folk 'epic' Breadcrumbs For The Whales' and lo-fi acoustic gem 'Inchworm Parade') **LIMITED TO 500 COPIES WORLDWIDE**
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Robert Pollard I'm A Strong Lion CD single UK RCGC5IM345261
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I'm A Strong Lion - UK - 7" VINYL    more of this title
ROBERT POLLARD I'm A Strong Lion (2005 UK strictly limited edition 2-track 7" vinyl single, the first 'proper' release from the legendary disbanded Guided By Voices frontman, taken from the album 'From A Compound Eye'; clocking in at a fraction o ver a minute, this is a statement of intent disguised as a pop masterpiece, includes the acid-folk epic 'Breadcrumbs For The Whales', stickered picture sleeve) ** Limited to 500 copies! **
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Robert Pollard I'm A Strong Lion 7
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I'm A Strong Lion - UK - CD-R ACETATE    more of this title
ROBERT POLLARD I'm A Strong Lion (2005 UK 3-track promotional Must Destroy label CD-R acetate of the 500 only commerical 7" & CD single release - the first 'proper' release from the legendary disbanded Guided By Voices frontman and is taken from album 'From The Compound Eye' and clocks in at a fraction over a minute and is a statement of intent disguised as pop masterpiece, including the acid-folk 'epic' Breadcrumbs For The Whales' and lo-fi acoustic gem 'Inchworm Parade'. Custom printed disc & picture inlay)
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Robert Pollard I'm A Strong Lion CD-R acetate UK RCGCRIM433560
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Moses On A Snail - US - CD ALBUM - Promo    more of this title
ROBERT POLLARD Moses On A Snail (2010 US promotional-advance 12-track CD album - a great copy of the fifteenth studio album from the singer-songwriter; custom printed disc issued in a PVC wallet sleeve with custom printed picture insert GBVI-11)
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Robert Pollard Moses On A Snail CD album US RCGCDMO512757
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Motel Of Fools - US - CD ALBUM    more of this title
ROBERT POLLARD Motel Of Fools (US 7-track CD album: number 26 in the Fading Captain series, housed in a digipak picture sleeve with lyrics LUN002)
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Robert Pollard Motel Of Fools CD album US RCGCDMO332160
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Normal Happiness - UK - CD ALBUM    more of this title
ROBERT POLLARD Normal Happiness (2006 UK 16-track CD album - This is Robert's 2nd full length solo album since disbanding the legendary Guided By Voices in 2004 and if 'From A Compound Eye' was a sprawling epic, then 'Normal Happiness' is a short , sweet kick to the side of the head, with each recording, an absolute gem from the seemingly bottomless mine of Pollard genius)
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Robert Pollard Normal Happiness CD album UK RCGCDNO376272
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Off To Business + Album Sampler - US - 2-CD ALBUM SET - Promo    more of this title
ROBERT POLLARD Off To Business (2008 US 10-track advance promotional CD for the full album plus official 2-track 'Selections From' CD-R acetate. Housed in a gatefold platic sleeve with a custom picture insert and tracklising insert for each disc)
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Robert Pollard Off To Business + Album Sampler 2-CD album set US RCG2COF561241
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Robert Pollard Is Off To Business - US - CD ALBUM    more of this title
ROBERT POLLARD Robert Pollard Is Off To Business (2008 US 10-track CD album from the Guided By Voices leader, including the single Weatherman And Skin Goddess. The disc comes housed in the digipak picture sleeve complete with the illustrated l yric booklet GBVI-2)
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Robert Pollard Robert Pollard Is Off To Business CD album US RCGCDRO748653
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Set Of Five CD Albums - UK - 5-CD SET    more of this title
ROBERT POLLARD Set Of Five CD Albums (Superb set of FIVE CD albums with a total of 82-tracks and includes the albums 'Waved Out', 'Kid Marine', 'Fiction Man', 'Not In My Airforce' and the original deleted issue of 'Speak Kindly Of Your VolunteerF ire Department'. Each CD comes with their original picture sleeves)
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Robert Pollard Set Of Five CD Albums 5-CD set UK RCG5CSE332190
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Space City Kicks - US - CD ALBUM - Promo    more of this title
ROBERT POLLARD Space City Kicks (2011 US 18-track promotional CD for the album by singer-songwriter and creative force behind Guided by Voices, custom tracklisting printed disc + picture/tracklisting insert)
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Robert Pollard Space City Kicks CD album US RCGCDSP529493
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The Kids Eat It Up: The Best Of Robert Pollard 2010-2011 - US - CD ALBUM - Promo    more of this title
ROBERT POLLARD The Kids Eat It Up: The Best Of Robert Pollard 2010-2011 (2011 US 28-track promotional only CD of songs featuring Robert Pollard from solo material to side projects including songs from Boston Spaceships, Mars Classroom, Lifeguards and Circus Devils. Housed in a card wallet picture sleeve which is still factory sealed)
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Robert Pollard The Kids Eat It Up: The Best Of Robert Pollard 2010-2011 CD album US RCGCDTH550055
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Waved Out - US - VINYL LP    more of this title
ROBERT POLLARD Waved Out (1998 US 15-track vinyl LP - the second solo studio album from the former Guided By Voices member, issued in a great glossy picture sleeve, that has been kept in its original open shrink, complete with original lyric/pict ure inner)
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Robert Pollard Waved Out vinyl LP US RCGLPWA518418
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Alternative Names: None
Related Artists: 3 Dream Bag, Boston Spaceships, Guided By Voices, Tobin Sprout
Related Music Genres: Indie
ROBERT POLLARD Vinyl Record Discography & ROBERT POLLARD CD Discography
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