Vu De L'Exterieur French / CD album
2CD Originaux French / 2-CD album set
2CD Originaux French / 2-CD album set
2CD Masterserie French / 2-CD album set
3CD Originaux French / 3-CD set
Love On The Beat / Mauvaises Nouvelles Des Étoiles French / 2-CD album set
Histoire De Melody Nelson French / vinyl LP
Bonnie And Clyde French / vinyl LP
Selections From Monsieur Gainsbourg Revisited US / CD single / Promo
Initials B. B. French / CD album
Cannabis French / vinyl LP
Initials B. B. French / vinyl LP
L'Homme A Tete De Chou French / vinyl LP
Aux Armes Et Caetera French / vinyl LP
Bonnie And Clyde French / CD album
Histoire De Melody Nelson French / CD album
Les Annees Psychedeliques 1966-1971 Portugese / 2-LP vinyl set
Les Selections Du Cinema De Gainsbourg French / 12" vinyl