Jazz Will O'The Wisp UK / vinyl LP £15.00
Meets The Master Saxes Volumes One & Two UK / 2-LP vinyl set
Jazz Will-O'-The-Wisp US / vinyl LP £10.00
Solitaire UK / vinyl LP
Piano Interpretation US / vinyl LP
Invitation UK / vinyl LP
Meets The Master Saxes Volume One UK / vinyl LP
Expressly Ellington UK / vinyl LP
Meets The Master Saxes Volume Two UK / vinyl LP
Trio And Quintet! UK / vinyl LP £12.00
Duke'N'Bird Japanese / vinyl LP
Plays The Music Of Jerome Kern US / vinyl LP
Al In Paris French / vinyl LP
Special Brew UK / vinyl LP
Jazz Will-O-The-Wisp Spanish / vinyl LP
Al Haig Today! US / vinyl LP
Invitation Japanese / CD album