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sdw12 UNITED KINGDOM Created Thu 23rd Mar '06 22:33 (GMT)Jovi picture discs I have quite a few of the Bon Jovi picture discs in my collection and have spotted a signed copy of New Jersey on here earlier on - i can hear my crdit card weeping already -race you to it!*[reply to this topic ]
Re: BON JOVI You Give Love A Bad Name (Rare 1986 UK limited
edition logo shaped 7" Picture Disc single with a
great picture of the band on reverse, also including Let It
Rock! VERP26) View this product
sdw12 UNITED KINGDOM Created Thu 23rd Mar '06 13:29 (GMT)What more do you want? Two classic rock ballads on one piece of vinyl. The Jovi track from 'New Jersey' is simply superb and the addition of 'Forever' by KISS is an added bonus (even if it was writtne with Michael Bolton)*[reply to this topic ]
Re: BON JOVI Living In Sin (Mega Rare 1988 Brazilian Polygram label
promotional vinyl 12", also includes the track 'Forever' by Kiss,
custom green & white title sleeve with built in protective PVC sleeve -
a unique combination of tracks and a must have for any fan) View this product
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