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 60s Beat
The Beat wave of music in the 60s is largely credited to acts from England and the UK. 'Beat' was nothing to do with it's literary counterpart of the 1960s and more to do with the driving rhythms which the bands had adopted from their R&B/Soul influences.

In the mid-1960s the UK was the dominant force in music, especially in the USA. A 'British Invasion' of acts led by The Beatles swept across the Atlantic and stormed the charts in America. To the UK audiences bands such as The Searchers or Gerry & The Pacemakers were Merseybeat. While Mod was the name for more adrenalin fuelled acts like The Action or The Who. The influences all these bands felt came from the power of the blues mixed with a more soulful, rhythmic slant. The British 60s Beat era did produce some worldwide successes but many of the acts didn't progress into the later Psychedelic era or more 'rock' decade of the 70s.

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(60S), Leviathan

(French), Stella



2.19 Skiffle Group, The

4 Instants, The

4 O'Briens, The


45s (00s), The

5 Gentlemen

84, Equipe

A Band Of Angels

A Passing Fancy


Adam, Mike & Tim

Adams, Danny

Addicts, The

Aerovons, The

Alamo, Frank

All Rounders, The

Allen, Bobby

Allen, Dave (Blues)

Amazing Blondel, The

Amazing Friendly Apple


Andrews, Chris

Animals, The


Anton, Rey

Applejacks, The


Arondies, The

Artwoods, The

Aufray, Huges


Baba, Meher

Babbity Blue

Bad Boys, The

Bad Seeds, The

Bailey, Burr

Baldry, Long John

Ballard, Frank

Bandits, The (60s)

Barrett, Richie

Barry, Joe

Batman and Robin


Bats, The (60s Irish)

Bats, The (60s SA)

Baxter, Joan


Beat Chics, The

Beatles, The

Beatpack, The

Beau Brummell Esquire

Beazers, The

Beck Studios

Bees (60s Garage), The

Bennett, Rudi

Benton, Brook


Bern, Tonia

Bernie & The Buzz Band

Bev, Johnny

Big Johns Rock 'n' Roll Circus

Big Three, The

Billy And The Kids

Billy Pepper & The Pepperpots

Birds, The

Black Dyke Mills Band, The

Blackjacks, The

Blake, Peter (Artist)


Blendells, The


Blue Rondos, The

Blue Stars, The

Blues Magoos


Blunstone, Colin

Bob & Marcia

Bob B. Soxx & The Blue Jeans

Bobby And Laurie

Bobby Angelo And The Tuxedos

Boetcher, Curt

Bond, Ronnie

Boogaloos, The

Booth, Barry

Boss Guitars, The

Bostweeds, The

Boys (60s), The

Boys Blue, The

Brain Twisters, The

Brandon, Vern

Brasseur, Andre

Breakaways, The

Brook, Tony

Brothers Two, The

Brown, Sammi

Bruce, Tommy

Bruisers, The

Buccaneers, The

Buddy Britten And The Regents

Bushmen, The

Byrnes, Edd

Café Crème

Cameron, Ray

Capitol Records


Carnabeats, The

Carnival, L.A.

Carr, Romey

Carter-Lewis & The Southerners

Cascades, The

Casuals, The

Cathode, Ray

Cats Pyjamas

Cats, The

Cedars, The

Chad & Jeremy

Chancis, The

Changin' Times, The

Channel, Bruce

Chants R & B

Chants, The

Chaussettes Noires, Les

Chayfin, Ray

Cheetahs, The

Cherokees, The

Cherry Smash

Chicago Loop, The


Children, The

Chris Ravel And The Ravers

Chris, Peter


Citations, The

Clarke, Allan

Classmates, The

Clayton Squares, The

Cliffters, The

Cocktail Cabinet, The

Collectors, The

Collins, Glenda

Collins, Judy

Colorfull Seasons


Colton, Tony

Compromise, The

Comstock, Bobby


Constant Sound, The

Cops 'N Robbers

Cordell, Kim

Cordet, Louise

Cougars, The

Count Five

Count Victors

Count Victors, The

Counterfeit Stones, The

Country Hams, The

Countrymen, The

Coussins, Ray

Creation, The

Crickets, The

Crombie, Tony

Cryan' Shames, The

Cryin' Shames, The

Cuby + Blizzards

Cumberland Three, The

Cushing, John

Cymbeline, The

D'Abo, Mike

D'Ell, Dennis

Daily Flash, The

Dale, Glen

Dalys, The

Dante, Troy

Dark Horse Records

Darrell, Guy

Dartells, The

Dave Anthony's Moods

Dave Clark Five, The

Dave Curtiss And The Tremors

Dave Davani Four, The

Dave Dee Dozy Beaky Mick & Tic

David And Jonathan

David, Alan

David, The

Davies, Dave

Davies, Miar

Davies, Ray (Kinks)

Davis, Steve

Dawn Chorus

Dawson, Lesley

De La Torre, Los

De Marco, Julie

Deane, Jason


Debs, The


Decision, The

Deep Feeling

Deep Six, The

Defenders, The

Del-Aires, The

Demonstrators, The

Dennisons, The

Deputies, The

Dickens, Charles

Digger Revell's Denver Men

Dimples, The


Disc & Music Echo

Disc, The

Donegan, Lonnie

Douglas, Robb And Dean

Dovells, The

Dúo Dinámico

Dupont, Shelley

Dutronc, Jacques

Dynamites, The

E, William

Earthquakes, The

Edward, Vince

Edwards, Jackie

Edwards, Nokie

Eel Pie All Stars

Eldorados [Rhodesia], The

Electric Prunes, The

Embers, The

English, Scott

Epstein, Brian

Equals, The

Eric Burdon & The Animals

Esquivel, Juan Garcia

Etheopians, The

Exciters, The

Exotic Guitars, The

Eyes Of Blue

Fairways, The

Falling Leaves, The

Family Tree, The

Fantômes, Les

Fardon, Don

Farinas, The

Faron's Flamingos

Farr, Gary

Fear Itself

Federals, The

Feminine Complex, The

Fenton, Shane & The Fentones


Ferlinghetti, Lawrence

Fields, Ernie

Fifth Column, The

First Gear, The

Five By Five

Flick, Vic

Flintstones, The

Florence Ballard

Flowerz, The


Focal Point

Foggy Notions, The

Fontana, Wayne

Ford, Dean

Foresters, The

Fortunes, The

Four Iveys

Fourmost, The

Fox, Don

Frampton, Peter

Framus Five, The

François, Claud

Freddie & The Dreamers

Front Line, The

Fruits De Mer

Gamblers, The

Game, The

Game, The (60s)

Gants, The

Garden Odyssy Enterprise

Garrick, David

Gary Street & The Fairways

Generation Gap, The

Germani, Remo

Gerry And The Pacemakers


Gibsons, The

Gilmer, Jimmy & The Fireballs


Gnomes Of Zurich, The

Gobbledegooks, The

Goldie & The Gingerbreads

Gordian Knot, The

Gordon, Trevor

Graham, Bobby

Granahan, Gerry

Grass, The

Gray, Dorian

Greenbaum, Norman

Greenbeats, The

Griffin, Sylvia

Group B

Group X

Gryphon (Psych)

Guitar Slim

Guitares Du Diable, Les

Guitarist Magazine

Gustafson, Johnny

Guv'ners, The

H.P. Lovecraft

Hamilton Movement, The

Hammer, Jack

Harbour Lites, The

Harris, Roy

Harris, Wee Willie

Hazzard, Tony

He 6

Hedgehoppers Anonymous


Henderson, Scott (60s)

Herbal Mixture

Herd, The

Herman's Hermits

Hi-Fi's, The

High Numbers


Holly, Buddy

Hollywood Persuaders, The

Holton, Gary

Honest Men

Honeycombs, The

Hopkins, Nicky

Hornets, The

Hot Dog Stand, The

Howard, Brian

Hugg, Mike

I Barbieri

I Pooh

Ice, Dry

Ife, Kris

Immediate Label

In Crowd, The

In-Sect, The

Insomnia, Pregnant


Ivy League, The

James & Jeremiah


Javalins, The

Jaybirds, The

Jeannie & The Big Guys

Jet Set UK, The

Jet Set, The

John Carter (Songwriter)

John's Children

Johnny Kendall & The Heralds

Jokers, The

Jones, B-Lou & His Jupiters

Jones, Beverley

Jones, Casey & The Governors

Jones, Paul

Joy, Benny

Junco Partners

Just Four Men



Kaye, Mary

Kaye, Tony

Keepers, Finders

Keil, Herma

Keith, Bryan

Kelly, Frank

Ken Levy And The Phantoms


Kenny And The Kasuals

Keyes, Karol

Keys, Bobby

King Clam & The Marine Band

King Size Taylor And The Domin

King, Hamilton

Kingpins, The

Kingston Trio,The


Kirchherr, Astrid

Kirkbys, The

Knack, The (60s)

Knaves, The

Knockouts, The


Kramer, Billy J. & The Dakotas

Kruger, Russ

Kumari, The

Laine, Denny

Laine, Linda

Lancaster, Diane

Lane, Pattie

Langleys, The

Larry Williams & Johnny Watson

Laurels, The

Lee Curtis & The All-Stars

Lee Diamond & The Cherokees

Lee, Freddie 'Fingers'

Lee, Jackie

Lee, Jackie (UK F)

Legends, The (US)

Lennon, Jimmy

Les Diamants

Levon And The Hawks

Liberty Bell, The

Ling, Kong

Little Mac & The Boss Sounds

Little Richie

Liverpool Echo

Livingstone, Jean

London & The Bridges

London, Peter

Long And The Short, The

Loose Ends (60s)

Loot, The

Lopez, Trini

Lordan, Jerry


Los Bravos

Los Gatos Negros

Loved Ones, The

LR Rockets

Lucas, Matt

Mackay, Rabbit

Maerz, Marion

Magic Lanterns, The

Maloney, Vince

Manchester Mob, The

Mann, Manfred

Mar-Keys, The

Marauders, The

Maresca, Ernie

Mark Four, The

Mark Leeman Five

Marsden, Gerry

Martin, George

Mascots, The

Matthews, Ian

May, Phil

Mayuzumi, Jun

Maze (US)

Maze, The (UK)

McAuley, Jackie

McCall, Darrell

McCann, Toni

McCartney, Cecil

McCoys, The

McCullough, Henry

McIvor, David

McKenzie, Ali


Mec Op Singers, The

Meehan, Tony

Meek, Joe

Meek, Joe & The Blue Men

Melody Maker

Men, Mighty

Merlin Q

Merrell And The Exiles

Merseyblues, The

Meteors, The (60s)

Midnight Hour, The

Migil 5, The

Mike Adams & The Red Jackets

Mike Sax And The Idols

Milan (60s)

Mills, Garry

Milwaukee Coasters, The

Mimms, Garnet

Ministry Of Sound, The

Missing LInks, The

Mitchell, Eddy

Mojos, The

Moles (Simon Dupree), The

Monahan, Stephen

Monarchs, The

Money, Zoot

Montanas, The

Mood-Mosaic, The

Moon, The

Moore, Merrill E

Moquettes, The

Morgan-James Duo, The

Morris, Russell

Most, Mickie

Muleskinners, The

Mure, Billy

Music Explosion, The

Musketeer Gripweed

Mustang, The

Mycroft, Tim

Naturals, The (UK 60s)

Naylor, Shel

Neat Change, The

NEMS (Record Label)

Nero And The Gladiators

Nerve, The

New Formula, The

New Wave, The

New York Public Library

Newbury, Curt

News, The (60s)

Nichols, Penny

Nicol, Jimmy

Nilsmen, The


Nova Local, The


Nu-Notes, The

Odyssey, The

Open Mind, The

Optic Nerve, The

Orchids (60S), The

Orwell, Paul


Ossie Layne Show, The

Other Half, The

Others [1960S], The

Outer Limits, The

Outlaws, The (UK)

Outsiders, The (US)

Overlanders, The

OZ Magazine

Ozzie Warlock And The Wizards

Packers The

Paisleys, The

Parker, Alan


Peace Choir

Peacemakers, The

Peasants, The

Pebbles, The

People (US)


Perkins, Polly

Perry Dear & The Deer-Stalkers

Persuasions (UK), The

Pete Kelly's Soulution

Peter And The Wolves

Peter Jay And The Jaywalkers

Peter's Faces

Phillips, Gregory

Phrogs, The


Piccadilly Circus

Pike, Travis

Plastic Penny, The

Pleasures, The

Pleazers, The

Poets, The (Irish 60s)

Poets, The (UK 60s)

Poole, Brian

Poole, Brian & Tremeloes, The

Poor, The


Powell, Marilyn

Power, Duffy

Powerhouse, The

Premiers, The

Pretty Things, The

Pride, Dickie

Prince Buster

Prisoners, The


Pudding, The

Puppets, The

Pyramid, The

Quarrymen, The

Quickly, Tommy

Quik, The

Quist, Daryl

Raindrops, The

Rally Rounders, The

Rambeau, Eddie

Randazzo, Teddy

Randy Alvey And The Green Fuz

Rapiers, The

Rattles, The

Rayburn, Chris

Rayne, Julie

Record Collector

Red West Combo

Redcaps, The


Reizner, Lou

Remains, The

Remo Four, The

René And His Alligators

Renegades, The

Rhythm And Blues Inc

Rhythm Jesters, The

Richard Cliff

Richard Kent Style, The

Richards, Digby

Riddlers, The

Riot Squad, The

Rip Chords, The

Ritchie, Tony

Rivers, Dick

Rivieras, The

Robin, Teddy & The Playboys

Rocco, Tony

Rockin' Rebels, The

Rockin' Vickers, The

Rokes, The

Rolling Stone

Rolling Stones, The


Rooks, The

Roulettes, The

Routers, The

Roving Kind, The

Royal Flairs, The

Royal Hangmen, The

Royaltones, The

Rubettes, The

Russal, Thane

Ryan, Barry

Ryan, Paul & Barry

Ryder, Freddie

Sainty, Russ

Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs

Sammy King And The Voltairs

Sanders, Ed

Sands, Evie

Sansom, Bobby


Scaffold, The


Schroeder, John

Score, The

Scott, Simon

Scott, Tommy

Searchers, The

Sebastian, John


Seymour, Patti

Shades Of Blue

Shades Of Blue (60s Beat), The

Shades Of Blue, The

Shades Of Morley Brown

Shadow, Johnny & Gavan, Danny

Shadows Of Knight, The

Shane And The Shane Gang

Shapiro, Helen


Sharp, Dee Dee

Sheik's Men, The

Shelton, Gary

Sheridan, Tony

Shoes (Dutch Band), The

Shondell, Troy

Shotgun Express

Shots, The

Shut Downs, The


Silent Majority

Silkie, The


Simon Dupree & The Big Sound

Simon, Tony

Sinners, Les

Sinners, The

Sinx Mitchell

Sir Percy Quintet

Slaves, The

Smith, Mike

Smith, Warren


Snow White And The Dwarfs


Sons Of Heroes

Sons Of The Piltdown Men, The

Sorrows, The

Soul Agents [UK], The

Soul Benders, The

Soul Brothers, The

Sound Barrier

Sounds Incorporated

Sounds Of Les And Barry, The

Sovereigns, The

Spectres, The

Spectrum, The

Spell (60s)

Spencer, Don

Spencer, Sonny

Spiders, The

Spotnicks, The

St. John, Barry

St. Valentine's Day Massacre

Staccatos, The

Stained Glass

Starlings, The

Starr, Lucky

Static, The

Stevens, Cat

Stirling, Peter Lee

Stoller, Rhet

Stone Pillow

Strange, Billy

Strangers With Mike Shannon

Strawberry Jam

String-A-Longs, The

Strong, Barrett

Studio Six


Sullivan, Ed

Sundowners (Kent), The

Sunrays, The

Sunsets, The

Surf Raiders, The

Surf Stompers, The

Surfs, Les

Swinging Blue Jeans, The

Sylvester, Terry


Symbols, The

Syndicats, The


Tamlin, James

Tammy St John

Tammy St. John

Tempters, The

Terauchi, Takeshi

Termites, The (60s)

The Anniversary

The Dakotas

The J. & B.

The Mickey Finn

The T-Bones


Third Bardo, The

Thorpe, Billy

Thrillington, Percy

Thunderbeats, The

Tim Tam And The Turn-Ons

Times (60s), The


Tomcats, The

Tommy Smith & The Laughing Kin


Tongues, The

Tony Hendrik Five, The

Tony Jackson (Searchers)

Tony Knight's Chessmen

Topo D. Bil

Tornados, The

Townsel Sisters


Tradewinds (Pop Psych), The


Transatlantics, The

Travel Agency

Trax Four

Trends, The

Trendsetters Limited

Tridents, The

Triffids, The (60s)

Troggs, The

Tropics, The

Tucker, Cy

Turtle, Henry


Twins, Sims

Two And A Half

Two Smith Brothers, The


Typhoons, The

U.K.'s, The

Unauthorised Version, The

Undertakers, The

Uniques (Singapore), The

Unit Four Plus Two

United States Double Quartet

United Travel Service

Unknown Artist (Tuba Records)

Untamed, The

V, Formula

Valentine Magazine

Various-Magazines & Newspapers

Various-Surf & Instrumental

Vartan, Sylvie

Ventures, The

Vikings Gitarband, The

Villa, Pancho

Villard, Nick

VIP's, The

Viscounts, The

Volcanos, The

Volunteers, The

Voomins, The

Voormann, Klaus

Waikiki Beach Boys, The

Wailers, The

Washington, George E.

Watson, Frenesi

Wayne, Pat

Ways & Means

Wedgwoods, The

Welch, Bruce

Wes Minster Five, The

West, Dodie

Wheels, The

Whitcomb, Ian

White Andy (Beatles)

White Light Motorcade

White, Louisa Jane

White, Tam


Wichita Train Whistle,The

Wilcox, Larry

Wild Oats, The

Wilde Three

Wilde, Marty

Wiley, T.C.

Williams, Moon

Williams, Paul (UK)

Willie And The Red Rubber Band

Wilson, Don Lee

Wilson, Jimmy

Wimple Winch

Winters, Ron

Wishful Thinking (60s)

Yellow Balloon, The

Young Blood

Young, Johnny (Soul)

Young, Kenny

Young, Roy

Zelkowitz, Goldie

Zipps, The

Zombies, The

Zuider Zee, The

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